More than three decades ago, Frank White coined the term “Overview Effect” to describe the cognitive shift that results from the experience of viewing the Earth from space and in space, from orbit or on a lunar mission. He found that with great consistency, this experience profoundly affects space travelers’ worldviews—their perceptions of themselves, our planet, and our understanding o…
One of the most notable features of any survey of the history of energy regimes in the Americas over the past century is the “pendulum effect.” Anecdotal though the observation may be, it is clear that despite the broad and incremental transformational changes that have occurred in the global energy landscape over time, individual countries have un…
Besides being a matter of academic interest, the study of earthquake-inducedhydrologic changes also has important implications for water resources, hydro-carbon exploration and engineered systems. For example, groundwater level changesfollowing earthquakes can affect water supplies (Chen and Wang2009). The aban-donment of Crete during the Late Minoan period has been attributed by some to adeple…
The impact of these two molecules is hard to overestimate. The advent of LSD can be linked to the revolution in brain science that begins in the 1950s, when scientists discovered the role of neurotransmitters in the brain. That quantities of LSD measured in micrograms could produce symptoms resembling psychosis inspired brain scientists to search for the neurochemical basis of mental disorders …
The credibility and legitimacy of electoral processes is inextricably linked to electoral integrity. The Global Commission on Democracy, Elections and Security identified five major challenges to the conduct of elections with integrity in its 2012 report: building the rule of law to substantiate claims to human rights and electoral justice, developing professional and competent electoral manage…
‘So would you say I’m blind?’ Sam asked.This sounds like a straightforward question. Sam had been attending my low vision clinic for six years, so surely I would be able to answer her without a second thought?Sam had an eye condition called Stargardt disease, which was slowly causing the cells in the central part of her retina to stop working. Just after starti…
I forget who first jokingly defined sculpture as something you bump into when you step back to look at a painting. I n any case, like most witticisms, this one contains a germ o f truth: both the general public and scholars pay more attention to painting than to sculpture. There are undoubtedly many reasons for this. We are a society geared to experiencing things on a flat plane rather than in …
This open access book introduces vignette research to new and experienced researchers by guiding them through its history, theory and underlying principles before delving into step-by-step practical guidance on how to do vignette research. Vignette research is an innovative qualitative, narrative and phenomenological research methodology that has gained international recognition, sparking inter…
The anthology Explorative Perspectives in Music and Education resulted from the MiU22 conference and seeks to support diverse dialogues. The publication, which is multimodal and interdisciplinary, explores how academic, artistic, and pedagogical research and performative work within the realm of music and education intertwine with the central theme. The anthology aims to objectively explore the…