There are now half a million centenarians in the world, and their num-ber is projected to grow eightfold by 2050 (Stepler 2016). Inevitably, longerhuman lifespans, especially at older ages, are reshaping how we must thinkabout work, planning, saving, investing, insuring, and financing our liveli-hoods in retirement. This volume offers a perspective on how public-privatepartnerships (PPPs) can p…
Near-death experiences offer a glimpse not only into the nature of death but also into the meaning of life. They are not only useful tools to aid in the human quest to understand death but are also deeply meaningful, transformative experiences for the people who have them. In a unique contribution to the growing and popular literature on the subject, philosophers John Martin Fischer and Benj…
Telling the story of Old Sarum and Salisbury, from the mid-10th century to the start of the 20th, this book brings together the most up-to-date thinking on the archaeological evidence, and, through analysis of the rich documentary record, provides a fresh take on the story of this most illustrious cathedral city in the heart of southern England. Tales of Two Cities tells the story of Old Sar…
During World War II, advances in aviation became unmistakable. Many nations’ air forces entered the war flying biplane aircraft that were not much different from their predecessors of the previous world war. They were soon eclipsed by aircraft that took advantage of new designs that utilized many aeronautical advances of the interwar period such as new powerplants, stressed-skin aluminum stru…
International politics has become ever more volatile in the last decade,increasing the risk of large-scale military violence. Yet the precise charac-ter of future wars will depend on a range of factors that relate to adversaries,allies, technology, geographical scope, and multiple domains of warfighting.Few would question that land forces will also be important in the foreseeablefuture. Recent …
Are you at risk of being trapped in an uncompetitive business? Chances are the strategies that worked well for you even a few years ago no longer deliver the results you need. Dramatic changes in business have unearthed a major gap between traditional approaches to strategy and the way the real world works now. In short, strategy is stuck. Most leaders are using frameworks that were desig…
The date is 14 October 1066, and the battlefield at Hastings lies bloodied, littered with the remains of Harold II's ruined army, with Harold himself defeated by an arrow to the eye. William the Qongueror has just earned his now-famous title, and more importantly, the crown of England. This is where our story begind - the fascinating tale of Britain's monarchy. In this book you will discover in…
Latinization is a strangely overlooked topic. Historians have noted it has been ‘taken for granted’ and viewed as an unremarkable by-product of ‘Romanization’, despite its central importance for understanding the Roman provincial world, its life and languages. This volume aims to fill the gap in our scholarship, along with its sister volumes, Latinization, Local Languages and Literacies…
Game studies, formalism, game analysis, aesthetic theory of games.
The ‘knowledge turn’ has been accompanied by the emergence of the school curriculum as a more clearly delineated discursive object. In the past, the curriculum tended to be assumed: a natural aggregate of whatever subjects that schools were teaching. Today, due to develop-ments external and internal to education, the curriculum is argued to be of central impor…