The story of two brilliant nineteenth-century scientists who discovered the electromagnetic field, laying the groundwork for the amazing technological and theoretical breakthroughs of the twentieth centuryTwo of the boldest and most creative scientists of all time were Michael Faraday (1791-1867) and James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879). This is the story of how these two men - separated in age by f…
This edition is a result of a longstanding collaboration between two cen-tres of applied drama, theatre education and research: the Department of Drama for Life, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and the Department of Arts and Media Studies at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim. From 2017 to 2021 this collaboration has included stude…
In recent years, the Dallas Museum of Art has expanded its collection of South Asian art from a small number of Indian temple sculptures to nearly 500 works, including Indian Hindu and Buddhist sculptures, Himalayan Buddhist bronze sculptures and ritual objects, artwork from Southeast Asia, and decorative arts from India’s Mughal period. Artworks in the collection have origins from the former…
The quotation above was one of several responses received from teachers in a series of interviews that sought their perceptions of how Irish reading is taught and of the particular challenges they face in helping school children develop literacy skills in their second language. Although less specific than some responses, this one captures vividly the sense of frustration on the part of teac…
he book “Navigating Academia: Women’s Stories of Success and Struggle” contains powerful stories about career journeys of women in academia, for women, by women, and with women. Although a range of studies have been conducted on gender equality, critical knowledge gaps remain on gender disparities in academia requiring …
South Africa is rich in floral biodiversity as well as cultural diversity. The Cape region1 of South Africa has veldt types, with one of the richest compositions of indigenous aromatic plant species in the country. One such aromatic plant is the genus Agathosma. There are about 150 different species within this genus, which derives from a greater fa…
What are the practical implications of truly caring about yourself and others, of approaching each day with an open mind, an open heart, and a desire to reduce the suffering of all living beings? Can we learn compassion as a way of life, as an antidote to violence and cruelty? In The Seven Virtues of Highly Compassionate People, social scientists Nancy Guerra and Kirk R. Williams provide easy-t…
Terrified of speaking in front of a group? Or simply looking to polish your skills? No matter where you are on the spectrum, this guide will give you the confidence and the tools you need to get results. Written by presentation expert Nancy Duarte, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations will help you: Win over tough crowds Organize a coherent narrative Create powerful messages and vi…
Placing failed humor within the broader category of miscommunication and drawing on a range of conversational data, this text represents the first comprehensive study of failed humor. It provides a framework for classifying the types of failure that can occur, examines the strategies used by both speakers and hearers to avoid and manage failure, and highlights the crucial role humor plays in so…
Movies like American Sniper and The Hurt Locker hint at the inner scars our soldiers incur during service in a war zone. The moral dimensions of their psychological injuries - guilt, shame, feeling responsible for doing wrong or being wronged - elude conventional treatment. Georgetown philosophy professor Nancy Sherman turns her focus to these moral injuries in Afterwar. She argues that psychol…