Tren terorisme di Indonesia sejak tahun 1980-an cenderung fluktuatif meskipun secara umum diwarnai dengan pola stagnan rendah. Hampir tidak ada tahun tanpa ancaman dan serangan terorisme. Terdapat tiga periode kritis terkait serangan terorisme di Indonesia yaitu periode 2001, sejak serangan teroris di New York pada 11 September 2001, periode 2012, dan terakhir periode pertengahan 2018 dengan ke…
Haruku Village was a peaceful and happy village. The people lived in harmony with each other. When a villager had a misfortune, the others would immediately help him. Haruku Village also had an abundance of natural resources. The forest and the sea provided everything that the people needed. Most of Haruku people earned a living by farming. They usually cleared a little piece of land in the for…