Sir George Buc (1560-1622), one of the careful antiquarian scholars of the English Renaissance, is famous in literary history as Master of Revels under King James I. In 1619 Sir George wrote The History of King Richard the Third, a study of Richard’s life and reign and a defence of his historical reputation. In the late 1960s/early 1970s Arthur Kincaid embarked on creating the first authentic…
his chapter describes the key aspects of public financial management and internal control reform, viewed through a managerial lens. It describes how, without a thorough appreciation of the linkage with management, this reform will at best fail to meet the intended objectives and at worst could add to administrative bureaucracy and hence costs. These are recurren…
Uncertainty and interconnecting crises are no longer exceptional. In almost everypart of the world, living with water crises is an everyday reality for many. Yet,water supply sustains a functioning society, and as such any threat to it must becountered head-on. Frontline water suppliers, routinely forced to respond andadapt so they can deliver water in the face of all challenges, have found tha…
Approaches tomediating and mediated agencywere first developed in responseto Actor-Network-Theory (ANT), which has been booming since the 1990s (La-tour 2005; Blok et al. 2020), leading to subsequent drafts of an emerging“actormedia theory”(Schüttpelz 2013; Krieger and Belliger 2014; Spöhrer and Ochsner2017). Most existing approaches to mediating and mediated agency, despite allinternal d…
Welcome to the 4th edition of this handbook. Over the previous editions, we have tried to evolve the content and style to make the book more accessible and useful to our readers. This has continued in edition four with alterations, in response to reader feedback and as a result of new data emerging in many cancer fields. Oncology has continued to produce novel diagnostics, treatment strategies,…
Available beds in any correctional facility have a tendency to become filled—no matter what the size of the facility. Jail crowding is a symptom of the policies and practices of the larger criminal justice system. The changes that have occurred in the nation’s jail population during the past 30 years provide evidence that policy shifts alone can bring about dramatic changes in the demand fo…
Planet Earth is an ocean planet. We can hardly ignore the fact that the ocean covers almost two thirds of our planet. Since the dawn of time, humankind has had an ambivalent relationship with the immensity and hostility of this very specific environment. However, the ocean holds a strong attraction for human societies, with nearly 40% of the world’s population living less than 100 km from the…
Why is it that we so readily accept the boundary lines drawn around nations or around regions like ‘Asia’ as though they were natural and self-evident, when in fact they are so mutable and often so very arbitrary? What happens to people not only when the borders they seek to cross become heavily guarded, but also when new borders are drawn straight through the middle of their lives? The ess…