We present, in this book, a transliterated transcription of the Bugis text of the work known as the Chronicle of Bone, together with an English translation and notes. The chronicle deals with the affairs of this traditional kingdom in South Sulawesi—almost exactly in the centre of modern Indonesia—from the fourteenth century to the middle of the seventeenth century CE…
Ancient Southeast Asia provides readers with a much needed synthesis of the latest discoveries and research in the archaeology of the region, presenting the evolution of complex societies in Southeast Asia from the protohistoric period, beginning around 500BC, to the arrival of British and Dutch colonists in 1600. Well-illustrated throughout, this comprehensive account explores the factors whic…
Imagine having almost instantaneous access to a permanent record of all digital transactions undertaken across the world. Without revealing precisely who and what is involved in these transactions, this digital database grants you nearly real- time overviews of peer- to-peer exchange within and across national borders. Such unprecedented capacity to monitor direct …
Dinosaurs are fascinating creatures and their popularity seems never ending, fueled by films such as Jurassic Park and documentaries such as Walking with Dinosaurs. Yet dinosaurs (or more precisely non-avian dinosaurs) last trod the Earth 65 million years ago. All we know of them today are their fossilized bones, the tracks and traces that they left behind and, in very rare instances, some of t…
When we examine power in social worlds – even in a place as seemingly mundane as a farm – our eye is inevitably drawn towards visible expressions of power. For critical social theorists, activists and practitioners, a farm makes a particular kind of empowered world visible. We can see it in the way that farmers treat animals, cultivate fields, and i…
In 1948 an animated public information film called Your Very Good Health explained the benefits of Britain’s soon-to-be-introduced National Health Service (NHS).1 It portrayed two different categories of hospital patient. The central character, Charley, says he is ‘on the panel’ as he cycles through an optimistic impression of a new town.2The narrator asks him to imagine that he fell off …
Emptiness is a challenging concept: slippery in definition and elastic in meaning. It implies a total lack of content: people, buildings, objects or markings on a map. In the abstract, emptiness equals nothingness, a perfect void. Yet when one thinks of places on the globe that one might associate with being empty – the Gobi or Sahara deserts, t…
The planning and operation of airports must, if they are to be successful, take into account the interactions among these three major components or system actors. For the system to operate well, each of the actors must reach some form of equilibrium with the other two. Failure to do so will result in suboptimal conditions, exemplified by a number of undesirable phenomena that are indicators of …
Knowledge of the usual course of a disease from its onset and pretreatment phase through to its final outcome is important for several reasons. It enables predictions to be made about a patient’s likely recovery or degree of eventual disability, i.e. the prognosis. It also helps in judging whether improvements in a patient’s condition are due to treatment or to natural remission. Many chron…
Edisi keempat prinsip-prinsip kimia modern ini masih meneruskan tradisinya dalam membimbing par mahasiswa yang mempunyai keingintahuan lebih akan ilmu kimia dasar tingkat tinggi. Edisi baru ini sudah mengalami penyempurnaan yang substansial, memuat pengenalan dini akan struktur molekul dan semakin mempertegas argumen-argumen struktur dalam penyajian topik-topik sisanya. Hubungan antara struktur…