Mount Miwa in Yamato (present-day Nara Prefecture) is a sacred mountain, thought to be manifested spirit according to the indigenous animistic religious beliefs of Shinto. Pre-Nata-period Shinto (pre-645) focused on nature worship in sacred sites-roped-off clearings surrounding unusually-shaped mountains, trees, rocks, waterfalls and other natural phenomena. The present Omiwa Shrine at the base…
Wal-Mart seems to be taking over the world! Or at least that part of the world that controls retailing in 21st-century America. With its sales over $256 billion in fiscal 2004, Wal-Mart is within striking distance of dominating a 10 percent share of the total $2.9 trillion U.S. retail market, excluding motor vehicles and parts. When it reaches this pinnacle, and I suspect it will unless the gov…
Merupakan literatur penulis-penulis di dunia, mulai dari David Sedaris, Lena Dunham, Anne Lamott, Dan Brown, J.K. Rowling, James McBride, Bryan Cranston dan masih banyak lagi.