First things first. What are martial arts? What do we mean when we say ‘martial arts’? These two questions can be regarded as either very similar to each other or very different. Simplifying in the extreme, we might propose that, although there is a spectrum of possible answers, there are two main positions on these matters. On the one hand, there is a kind of strict or rigorou…
Sitting in the shadow of the north wall of the ruined caravan house (karavanatun) at Arai-Bazarǰuł on a clear day in summer, one can see four mountain peaks. To the west above Aragats, the tallest mountain in the Republic of Armenia, clouds catch and gather, threatening to descend and change the day from sun to hail in minutes. To the northeast, the stooping shoulder of Tełenis hefts a load …
People and communities, lives and livelihoods. These define the Arctic, just as with all other populated areas on the planet. Is there, then, any-thing special, specific, exceptional or unique about the Arctic? To the peoples in the Arctic, the answer is ‘of course’.Because it is home.As Arctic literature is fond of stating, there is no single Arctic. Definitions abo…
This patent landscape report provides an overview of international patent activity for animal genetic resources, in particular those relating to food and agriculture. The empirical analysis of patent activity for animal genetic resources for food and agriculture has received remarkably little attention in the scientific literature. Indeed, in conducting the present research we found no example …
This book presents an argument for the importance of circulation in the study of museum collections, past and present. Bringing together international researchers from a wide variety of disciplines (including the history of science, museum anthropology, archaeology, geography and postcolonial history) to consider the mobility of collections, we aim to provi…
In-chapter Examples walk students through problems by posing a question, stepping out a solution, and then asking students to practice the skill with a “Check Your Learning” component. The book also includes assessments at the end of each chapter so students can apply what they’ve learned through practice problems. Chemistry was conceived and written to fit a particular topical sequence, …
This book tracks the latest trends in the theory, research, and practice of entertainment-education, the field of communication that incorporates social change messaging into entertaining media. Sometimes called edutainment, social impact television, narrative persuasion, or cultural strategy, this approach to social and behavior change communication offers new opportunities including transmedi…
The global reach of online platforms and services as well as the globally synchro-nized flows of audiovisual content might suggest that the global media market is nowfully integrated. This book argues contrariwise that the global digital market is farfrom united and that national borders, center-periphery hierarchies and differences inscale still matter, and perhaps they matter even more than i…
In the same year he published his first Dutch poetry in the influential magazine De nieuwe gids (The New Guide). The journal, founded in 1885, was dominated at this period by the poet Willem Kloos (1859–1938), who used its pages to proclaim a radical aestheticism and advocate literature that was both non-sectarian and non-utilitarian. Poetry, Kloos famously asserted, was ‘the supremely indi…
Genetics is one of the greatest adventures in science. This book will help you explore everything from the foundations of genetics, a little over a century ago, to modern genetic applications, including the genetic engineering of plant products that you probably eat on a regular basis. You will learn about medical, legal, and ethical aspects of genetics, as well as the impact of genetics on our…