Als Siegfried Landshut im Februar 1950 zwei Gastvorträge im Hauptgebäude derUniversitätHamburghielt,kehrteererstmalsandenOrtzurück,vondemerknapp17 Jahre zuvor als Jude vertrieben worden war.1Zum Sommersemester 1951 erhielter dann den neu eingerichteten Lehrstuhl für die »Wissenschaft von der Politik«,einen der ersten seiner Art in der Bundesrepublik. An der Etablierung der Poli-tikwissen…
Greek: An Essential Grammar is a concise and user-friendly reference guide to modern Greek. It presents a fresh and accessible description of the language in short, readable sections. Explanations are clear and supported by examples throughout. This new edition has been revised and updated to present an accurate and accessible description of the most important aspects of modern Greek.
The idea to create this book was triggered by the feeling that the debate about public diplomacy after September 2001 had mainly taken place in the press and that the time was ripe for students of diplomacy to look at this phenomenon. In the early stages of the book it became clear how much confusion still surrounded public diplomacy (that is, the relationship between diplomats and the foreign …
Cities, Monuments and Objects in the Roman and Byzantine Levant celebrates Gabriel Mazor and his lifetime of work at the monumental city of Nysa-Scythopolis, Bet She?an Bays?n. This metropolis, part of the storied Decapolis, or league of ten cities, that flourished during the Hellenistic, Roman-Byzantine and very early Islamic periods until the devastating earthquake of AD 748, has been the sin…
Bonsai brings serenity to the home with beautiful miniature trees in idyllic container landscapes. Now DK brings this ancient practice into the 21st century, explaining how to grow and care for bonsai trees with a clear step-by-step approach. Offering easy-to-follow advice and simple photography, Bonsai demystifies the art of bonsai with sequences covering the traditional styles of Chokkan, Mo…
Featuring a wealth of never-before-published NASA photographs, charts, stories, and contributions by NASA astronauts and experts, A Visual Encyclopedia is a comprehensive exploration of space from our nearest planets and stars to far-off galaxies. Supports the Common Core State Standards.
There is a great demand for renewable energy and a need to diversify the renewableenergy mix. This can easily be seen on the significant annual increase in globalinvestment in renewable energy, such as wind and solar. Wave energy has even beenadditionally stimulated in some countries as they recognise its benefits and greatpotential. The technology push came mainly in the form of public grants …
This book offers a systematic account of the process of designing in architecture. Design thinking can be regarded as a fundamentally different way of knowing the world and a particular form of addressing creative problems. In this publication, the authors undertake to explore multiple and often controversial theoretical stances on the topic. Underlying principles of inquiry are present in all …