n the opening chapter of this book, we consider the history of the therapeutic use of levothyroxine (LT4). Recognition of the therapeutic value of LT4 emerged from experience gained from, essentially, empirical administration by physicians of crude thyroid extracts to people with advanced sequelae of hypothyroidism [1–4]. These clinical experiments arose from early studies of people w…
Latin America’s long history of showing how racism can co-exist with racial mixture and conviviality offers useful ammunition for strengthening anti-racist stances. This volume asks whether cultural production has a particular role to play within discourses and practices of anti-racism in Latin America and the Caribbean. The contributors analyse music, performance, education, language, film a…
Jika Anda atau seseorang yang Anda kasihi sedang khawatir tentang atau sedang diobati akibat suatu masalah jantung, maka panduan personal ini akan sangat bermanfaat. Salah satu seri "Pustaka Kesehatan Dr. Peter D'Adamo" ini memiliki serangkaian saran khusus yang tidak tersedia dalam buku-buku lainnya. Buku yang membahas tentang kesehatan kardiovaskular ini juga mencakup cara cegah dan mengobat…
In Pandemics: What Everyone Needs to Know®, Peter Doherty, who won the Nobel Prize for his work on how the immune system recognizes virus-infected cells, offers an essential guide to one of the truly life-or-death issues of our age. In concise, question-and-answer format, he explains the causes of pandemics, how they can be counteracted with vaccines and drugs, and how we can better prepare fo…
In Marx: A Very Short Introdution, Peter Singer identifies the central vision that unifies Marx's thought, enabling us to grasp Marx's views as a whole. He sees him as a philosopher primarily concerned with human freedom, rather than as an economist or a social scientist. In plain English, he explains alienation, historical materialism, the economic theory of Capital, and Marx's ideas of commun…
Ensiklopedi ini menyampaikan bagian pendahuluan yang komprehensif, untuk meletakkan dasar pemahaman mengenai sejarah ilmu golongan darah dan sekaligus memberikan peneguhan terhadap teori D'Adamo yang dihasilkan oleh pemetaan baru atas gen manusia. Seluruh entri dalam ensiklopedia ini memberikan informasi khusus, yang berkaitan dengan golongan darah, tentang berbagai gangguan kesehatan dan tenta…
An increasing complexity of models used to predict real-world systems leads to the need for algorithms to replace complex models with far simpler ones, while preserving the accuracy of the predictions. This two-volume handbook covers methods as well as applications. This first volume focuses on real-time control theory, data assimilation, real-time visualization, high-dimensional state spaces a…
The experiences of the relatives and Ancestors of the Dënes???né and of the living and deceased members of Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN), are the heartbeat of Remembering our Relations. This book happened because grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents passed down, from generation to generation, their oral histories and testimon…
Both Heyting and Gentzen approached questions of meaning in relation to whatit is to prove something, but as seen from the above, their approaches were stillvery different. Gentzen was concerned with what justifies inferences and therebywith what makes something a valid form of reasoning. These concerns were absentfrom Heyting’s explanations of mathematical propositions and assertions. The co…
This book offers an introduction to Gandharan art and the mystery of its relationship with the Graeco-Roman world of the Mediterranean. It presents an accessible explanation of the ancient and modern contexts of Gandharan art, the state of scholarship on the subject, and guidance for further, in-depth study.