"Allah tidak mendatangkan kesulitan hidup, tetapi Dia menggunakannya untuk menguatkan kita dalam menaklukkan perkara yang lebih besar. Dia tidak pernah menuntun kita ke dalam badai tanpa Dia mengaruniakan kepada kita kekuatan untuk mengatasinya." Anda sudah memiliki apa yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pertandingan dengan baik! Orang Kristen tidak pernah ditetapkan untuk "hidup seadanya". …
In the same year he published his first Dutch poetry in the influential magazine De nieuwe gids (The New Guide). The journal, founded in 1885, was dominated at this period by the poet Willem Kloos (1859–1938), who used its pages to proclaim a radical aestheticism and advocate literature that was both non-sectarian and non-utilitarian. Poetry, Kloos famously asserted, was ‘the supremely indi…
Genetics is one of the greatest adventures in science. This book will help you explore everything from the foundations of genetics, a little over a century ago, to modern genetic applications, including the genetic engineering of plant products that you probably eat on a regular basis. You will learn about medical, legal, and ethical aspects of genetics, as well as the impact of genetics on our…
Coaching is mainly an art and, like the artist, the coach must have two attributes. The first is creative flair, that marriage of aptitude and passion which enables him to draw an athlete’s dream towards realisation. The athlete, moved to express himself within a social mosaic, chooses to do so in pursuit of competitive excellence in sport. The coach creates order and direction for that expre…
The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes is a complete reference guide, providing a comprehensive view of volcanism on the Earth and on the other planets of the Solar System that have exhibited volcanic activity. It is the first attempt to gather in one place such a vast store of knowledge on volcanic phenomena. The volume addresses all aspects of volcanism, ranging from the generation of magma, its trans…
Guido Gezelle, born in Bruges in 1830, left a varied œuvre as a man of letters, journalist, translator and populariser. But it is mainly as a poet that he occupies an illustrious position in the history of Dutch literature. He is undoubtedly the most innovative and original Flemish poet between 1680 and 1880. With his exceptional lyrical poetry he was some twenty years ahead of the renewal mov…
Pengelolaan sampah di daerah perkotaan merupakan salah satu hal yang paling mendesak dan merupakan permasalahan lingkungan yang serius, dihadapi oleh pemerintah di negara berpendapatan rendah dan menengah. Tantangan yang semakin berat ini akan terus meningkat karena adanya trend urbanisasi yang terjadi dan tumbuh dengan cepat di populasi masyarakat perkotaan. Karena meningkatnya tekanan dari ma…
As my writing has unfolded over the years it was not until recently that I was able to see the connections between my seemingly varied interests. In retrospect I have always been writing about religion and science, or at least religion and knowledge, but in recent years I became involved with the “religion and science debate.” This is an interdisciplinary group of scholars who examin…
Sejarah umat manusia adalah catatan besar tentang aneka paradoks. Bagaimana kita bisa sangat welas asih dan sekaligus sangat kejam. Kita begitu pantang menyerah dan sekaligus cepat putus asa. Sedemikian digdaya kita menjelajah ruang angkasa, tapi tak kuasa menyelamatkan sesama dari kelaparan dan peperangan. Dan kenyataan itu dipertajam dan diperluas oleh teknologi digital ketika semua hal parad…
Merupakan literatur penulis-penulis di dunia, mulai dari David Sedaris, Lena Dunham, Anne Lamott, Dan Brown, J.K. Rowling, James McBride, Bryan Cranston dan masih banyak lagi.