Suara George menjadi lebih dalam. Ia mengulangi kata-katanya dengan berirama, seolah ia sudah begitu sering mengucapkan kata-kata ini. "Orang-orang seperti kita, yang bekerja di peternakan, adalah orang-orang paling kesepian di dunia. Mereka tidak punya keluarga. Mereka tidak cocok di tempat mana pun. Mereka datang ke peternakan dan bekerja keras lalu pergi ke kota dan menghamburkan hasil kerja…
Dataran Tortilla (Tortilla Flat) menggambarkan kehidupan kaum paisano - rakyat jelata yang berdarah campuran Spanyol, Indian, Meksiko, dan Kaukasia di sebuah daerah nelayan yang miskin. Danny, seorang non-konformis, memimpin sekelompok petualang, hidup bersenang-senang tanpa pertimbangan buruk-baik. Tapi sebuah tragedi yang menimpa kelompok petualang ini merupakan amanat halus dari pengarang me…
This is the first volume of the story of a tiny theatre company in a distant part of the UK that operated like a political cell; or alternatively, of a political cell that operated as a theatre company.A39 Theatre Group came into being because of the great Miners’ Strike of 1984–85. It embraced the label ‘agitprop’ as a badge of honour. A39 was moti…
Long recognized as one of the main branches of political science, political theory has in recent years burgeoned in many different directions. Close textual analysis of historical texts sits alongside more analytical work on the nature and normative grounds of political values. Continental and post-modern influences jostle with ones from economics, history, sociology, and the law. Feminist conc…
In an age of accelerating ecological crises, global inequalities and democratic fragility, it has become crucial to achieve renewed articulations of human commonality. With anchorage in critical theory as well as world literary studies, this volume approaches literature – and modes of literary thinking – as a key resource for such a task.
Nuclear safety and security—the protection of nuclear facilities, weapons, technologies, and materials against accidents or attacks—is an under-studied area of international security studies.1 Periodically, the subject has received high levels of attention. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, for example, scholars and policymakers worried intense…
Security Sector Reform (SSR) is at a crossroads. SSR concepts and practices are embedded in international efforts to promote peace, security and development. They are widely considered an essential element of many multilateral and bilateral stabilization efforts and are a standard feature of the post-conflict toolkit.1 SSR is routinely commended for the way it can integrate siloe…
Albert Hoffstädt was the architect of a unique cooperation between Brill pub-lishers and the Leiden Department of Comparative Indo-European Linguis-tics, a cooperation that has so far resulted in a series of twelve etymological dictionaries and an online publication of fifteen etymological databases (). In all the years that Albert was directly involved …
I introduce this volume with distinct pleasure, since it marks the final step in a journey that started seven years ago, at the ICLA 2013 at the Sorbonne. The deci-sion to host the ICLA 2016 at the University of Vienna meant that, from 2013 to 2016, I had to face the biggest organizational challenge of my career, since I had the honour to support Achim Hölter, the chair …
"This book is a great way to both start learning data science through the promising Julia language and to become an efficient data scientist."- Professor Charles Bouveyron, INRIA Chair in Data Science, Université Côte d’Azur, Nice, France Julia, an open-source programming language, was created to be as easy to use as languages such as R and Python while also as fast as C and Fortran. An …