As we gradually saw, there is more to the dialogue form of our expositions than we initially realized – something new, perhaps, in poetry criticism; we could call it dialogical poetics. We are accustomed to seeing all extended commentary on poetry as the vision of some individual consciousness – the more individual and “original,” the better. There is almost always a significant degree …
In the war-torn London of 1939, fourteen-year-old Hazel and five-year-old Flora are evacuated to a rural village to escape the horrors of the Second World War. Living with the kind Bridie Aberdeen and her teenage son, Harry, in a charming stone cottage along the River Thames, Hazel fills their days with walks and games to distract her young sister, including one that she creates for her sister …
Lebih dari 2000 tahun lalu, sebuah mazhab filsafat menemukan akar masalah dan juga solusi dari banyak emosi negatif. Stoisisme atau Filosofi Teras adalah filsafat Yunani-Romawi kuno yang bisa membantu kita mengatasi emosi negatif dan menghasilkan mental yang tangguh dalam menghadapi naik turunnya kehidupan. Jauh dari kesan filsafat sebagai topik berat dan mengawang-awang, Filosofi Teras justru …
Alpha Female adalah para perempuan yang menginspirasi, memimpin, menggerakkan orang sekitarnya, dan membawa perubahan. Mereka cerdas, percaya diri, dan independen. Bagaimana remaja dan perempuan muda bisa mengembangkan diri menjadi mereka? The Alpha Girl's Guide akan membahas tip-tipnya, seperti: Mana yang lebih penting, nilai atau pengalaman berorganisasi? Apakah teman kamu teman sejati ata…
Digital media have been responsible for some of the most wide-ranging changes in society over the past quarter-century. At the same time, there is little agreement in the social sciences about how these changes should be understood. One reason is increasing disciplinary specialization. For example, media and communication studies concentrates on specific areas such as the news or influe…
The web has been with us for more than a quarter of a century. It has become a daily and ubiquitous source of information in many peoples’ lives around the globe. But what does it tell us about historical and social change? For a researcher in the twenty-second century, it will seem unimaginable that someone studying the twenty-first c…
The Alpha Girl’s Guide akan membahas tip-tipnya, seperti: Mana yang lebih penting, nilai atau pengalaman berorganisasi? Apakah teman kamu teman sejati atau teman yang menghambat? Bagaimana mengetahui cowok parasit dan manipulatif? Bagaimana bersikap saat patah hati? Apakah kamu akan menikah untuk alasan yang tepat? Apa yang penting dilakukan saat memulai bekerja? Buku ini adalah hasil pengam…
It was due to a mysterious dispensation of Providence, and a good deal to Leslie Graeme, that I found myself in the heart of the Selkirks for my Christmas Eve as the year 1882 was dying. It had been my plan to spend my Christmas far away in Toronto, with such Bohemian and boon companions as could be found in that cosmopolitan and kindly city. But Leslie Graeme changed all that, for, disco…
In Kentucky, during the spring of 1861, every shade of opinion prevailed, from the most pronounced Union sentiment to the most ultra secession sympathy. The Government at Washington wished to enlist Kentucky heartily in support of the Union, while every effort was made by the rebel leaders to secure the secession of the State from the Union, and to have it join its fortunes to those of th…
The parents were abed and sleeping. The clock on the wall ticked loudly and lazily, as if it had time to spare. Outside the rattling windows there was a restless, whispering wind. The room grew light, and dark, and wondrous light again, as the moon played hide-and-seek through the clouds. The boy, wide-awake and quiet in his bed, was thinking of the Stranger and his stories. "It was not …