Global Perspectives on Leadership in Early Childhood Education aims to improve leadership and management in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) settings through research evidence. Written for a wide audience, including the academic community, policymakers, practitioners, teachers, directors, and professionals, the book provides knowledge and tools to enhance the ECEC sector. Divided into …
When Katy’s mother dies, she is left reeling. Carol wasn’t just Katy’s mom, but her best friend and first phone call. She had all the answers and now, when Katy needs her the most, she is gone. To make matters worse, their planned mother-daughter trip of a lifetime looms: two weeks in Positano, the magical town Carol spent the summer right before she met Katy’s father. Katy has been wai…
The contributions gathered in this open access book focus on modern methods for data science and classification and present a series of real-world applications. Numerous research topics are covered, ranging from statistical inference and modeling to clustering and dimension reduction, from functional data analysis to time series analysis, and network analysis. The applications reflect new analy…
Mengapa Edinburgh dapat melahirkan sekumpulan genius kreatif, Florence melahirkan Leonardo da Vinci, dan Silicon Valley melahirkan Steve Jobs? Apakah karena iklimnya, toleransi masyarakatnya, sumber daya melimpah, atau hanya keberuntungan belaka? Lalu, apakah formula genius juga berlaku di tempat lain? Para genius tidak lahir di sembarang waktu dan tempat. Leonardo da Vinci tak akan melahirkan…
Apakah orang Swiss lebih bahagia karena negara mereka paling demokratis di dunia? Apakah penduduk Qatar, yang bergelimang dolar dari minyak, menemukan kebahagiaan di tengah semua kekayaan itu? Apakah Raja Bhutan seorang pengkhayal karena memakai indikator kebahagiaan rakyat yang disebut Gross National Happiness sebagai prioritas nasional? Mengapa penduduk Asheville, Carolina Utara, sangat bahag…
This book, Families and Food in Hard Times, is about our world in the second decade of the twenty-first century and how parents living on low incomes in wealthy societies manage to feed their families. Although very different from the world of Dickens, in some respects today’s world mir-rors elements of his time because of the harsh realities of poverty among large sections of t…
One of the most distinctive and recognizable features of Persian po-etics, the refrain (radīf), entered literary history by way of a contrast with Arabic poetic norms. Defined as a word, syllable, or set of syl-lables that recurs at the conclusion of each poetic distich (couplet), radīf can be provisionally translated as “refrain.” As a slightly more technical definition has it, the radī…
An investigation of music videos as a form, a practice, and a literacy.Music videos were once something broadcast by MTV and received on our TV screens. Today, music videos are searched for, downloaded, and viewed on our computer screens—or produced in our living rooms and uploaded to social media. In We Used to Wait, Rebecca Kinskey examines this shift. She investigates music video as a form…
This book has been created to help you make decisions about practical conservation management by providing an assessment, from the available scientific evidence, of what works and what does not work in conservation. It also tells you if no evidence has been found about whether or not a conservation intervention is effective. This is the 2020 edition of What Works in Conservation, which was firs…
Dalam buku ini, Eric Weiner melakukan perjalanan keliling ke beberapa tempat di dunia untuk mencari tahu hubungan antara lingkungan kita dan ide-ide inovatif. Ia menjelajahi sejarah kota-kota, seperti Wina, Florence, Athena, Hangzhou, dan tentu saja Silicon Valley. Masih dengan gayanya yang nakal, cerdas, dan humoris, Weiner menapaktilasi jalan yang pernah dilalui Socrates, Michaelangelo, dan …