“Precarity is everywhere today”, French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu announced in a lecture in 1997 (qtd. in Springveld 26). “[P] recarity is not a passing or episodic condition, but a new form of regulation that distinguishes this historical time”, American philosopher Judith Butler writes in her foreword to German political theorist Isabell Lorey’s study State of Insecurity: Governme…
On November 20, 2003, in the rural countryside of India, Nagalinga Reddy, a farmer of rice and sunflowers, committed suicide. At fifty years of age, Reddy took his life by ingesting ammonium phosphate tablets—a pesticide used in modernized farming. His rice crops had just failed due to pests and he was deeply in debt to usurious moneylenders, three banks, …
The Bronze Age in Greece began around 3100 B.C. with the first bronze work-ing for the manufacture of tools and weapons (see map 1). Already in the Neo-lithic, there had been limited use of copper, the essential ingredient of bronze, while stone tools were still essential for some purposes in the Bronze Age. Copper typically was alloyed with tin to produce bronze, but…
This is a book about a grand vision radio telescope project called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its transition from a global grass-roots collaboration among astronomers and engineers in the early 1990s to a formal legal entity two decades later, on the path towards an Inter-Governmental Organisation constructing a science mega-project. The …
Previously unknown operations and new names continue to surface in the Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations. This new edition contains updated information on Cold War spying, with over 350 A?Z main entries (over thirty of them new) biographical sketches, and an updated bibliography. In support of the entries the book includes useful tools: a complete chronology of si…
Colombia's recent past has been characterized by what its Nobel laureate Gabriel García Marquez once called "a biblical holocaust" of human savagery. Along with the scourge of drug-related massacres facing the country, politically-motivated assassinations (averaging 30 per day in the 1990s), widespread disappearances, rapes, and kidnappings have run rampant through the country for decades. For…
The term "gender" was first distinguished from "sex" in the 1950s, when psychologists began to discuss the idea of "gender roles"--behaviors and responsibilities given to people by a society rather than flowing from their biology. Over the last two decades, transgender people have expanded our understanding of gender even further, introducing to the mainstream the concept of "gender identity," …
Our audience includes preservice and in-service teachers, teacher-educators, and librarians, but we encourage anyone who champions children’s literature to enjoy this resource! We hope that families find titles here to fuel shared read-ing experiences, and we anticipate that researchers will draw many of our sug-gested titles into school-based studies. We want readers to be aware of what a ri…
While scholars of hearsay, rumor and conspiracism would point to the history of its staying power (Olmsted, 2009), the spread of misinformation and other problematic information is said to be “supercharged” by contemporary social media (Bounegru et al., 2018; Daniels, 2018). The following examines that thesis through an analysis of the current state of what globally could be called the “m…