This leaves the question of whether Sogi and his cohorts sawsomething in the waka of their day that scholars since have not; andthe answer would seem to be yes. For while many poets of that agewere satisfied with vain repetitions of familiar lines, a few intrepidindividuals still managed to approach the old form with vitality andartistic purpose. …
Previously unknown operations and new names continue to surface in the Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations. This new edition contains updated information on Cold War spying, with over 350 A?Z main entries (over thirty of them new) biographical sketches, and an updated bibliography. In support of the entries the book includes useful tools: a complete chronology of si…
Empire, Colony, Postcolony provides a clear exposition of the historical, political and ideological dimensions of colonialism, imperialism, and postcolonialism, with clear explanations of these categories, which relate their histories to contemporary political issues. The book analyzes major concepts and explains the meaning of key terms. The first book to introduce the main historical and c…
Virtual Exchange refers to the numerous initiatives and methodologies which engage learners in sustained online collaborative learning and interaction with partners from different cultural backgrounds as part of their study programs and under the guidance of teachers or trained facilitators. This book reports on a large-scale European project, VALIANT (Virtual Innovation and Support Networks fo…
Finance theory is a phrase that encompasses under its umbrella portofolio theory, the capital asset pricing model, call option pricing, and arbitrage pricing theory; in sum, it includes those models most often associated with financial economics. In the late 1960s and early 1970's, the field was most closely associated with the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), as evidenced by the emergence o…
For Jack Welch, it was just another one of those days. A round of meetings at Farfield headquaters in the morning. Back to his office to prepare the charts he would use for his lecture at Crotonville that afternoon. A private lunch in his small dining room off his office with the author and his VP for public relations, Beth Comstock. It is widely watched, of course, because it will mean the end…
The book presents the universal issues of high-level radioactive waste man-agement from the perspective of the German legal system. It covers the entire “life-cycle” of radioactive waste, i.e. from the moment that radio-active material is classified as radioactive waste (Chapter 1), through the period of interim storage (Chapter 2), up to its final disposal (Chapter 3)…
The present volume is a collection of essays aiming to shed new light on different aspects of the role of religion in Bob Dylan’s artistic output. The eight authors are all from Scandinavia, seven from Norway and one from Denmark. Norwegian Dylan-scholars will always remember when Dylan, at a concert in Oslo in 1998, compared Norway to where he grew up in Minnesota: “Well, I…
This open access book explores how medieval societies conversed about the city and citizen in texts, visual imagery and material culture. It adopts a long-term, interdisciplinary, and cross-cultural perspective, bringing together contributions on the early, high, and later Middle Ages, covering both the medieval East and West, and representing a wide variety of disciplinary angles and sources. …