Today in the world of 24-hour news, we cannot help but be aware of the brutality and human cost of war. It is difficult to imagine the festive atmosphere of parades and cheering as local regiments marched off to fight in the American Civil War, or even in the early days of World War I. Yet in spite of our lack of illusion about the reality of war, the idea of war still holds an enduring fascina…
A True Story of the Imperial German Government's Spies and Intrigues in America from facts furnished Each morning at 3 o'clock, American time, those messages flashed from the tremendous wireless tower at Nauen, Germany—to find spies waiting everywhere in America for them. On interned ships, in shacks, built far from the roar and bustle of the city, even in Fifth Avenue residences, were wirel…
The insurance industry safeguards the assets of its policyholders by transferring risk from an individual or business to an insurance company. Insurance companies act as financial intermediaries in that they invest the premiums they collect for providing this service. Insurance company size is usually measured by net premiums written, that is, premium revenues less amounts paid for reinsurance.…
In this book we will be concerned with the basics of the macromolecular interactions that affect cellular processes. The basic tools for such studies are genetics, chemistry, and physics. For the most part, we will be concerned with understanding processes that occur within cells, such as DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and regulation of gene activity. The initial studies of these processes u…
Formerly seen as a menial architectural task, adaptive reuse has come into its own. It is no longer a secret, and certainly no longer a novel idea, that the archi-tecture of adaptive reuse is, in terms of architectural creativity, beauty and impor-tance, in no way inferior to designing and building a brand-new building (Hauke and Werner 2011).Architecture incorporating existing …
This is the new edition of chemical and process engineers' favorite reference. Previous editions of this authoritative, comprehensive handbook have sold more than 887,000 copies. This Seventh Edition contains 50% new or revised material, including new information on condensers, reboilers, evaporators, and vessels; multicomponent and enhance distillation including azeotropic, extractive, and rea…
Secara universal gambaran mengenai suatu keluarga kerap ditampilkan dalam sebuah simbol di mana para anggota keluarga tampak bergandengan tangan atau saling berdekatan antara satu dengan yang lain. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya harapan akan suatu ikatan dan hubungan yang dekat antar anggota keluarga. Kedekatan hubungan tersebut tentu tidak terjadi secara tiba-tiba melainkan melalui sejumlah inter…
Buku ini memberikan mahasiswa kedokteran dasar-dasar ilmu biokimia dengan cara yang menarik dan relevan. Dalam buku yang ringkas tetapi komprehesif ini, tercakup studi kasus terbaru, diskusi mengenai penyakit-penyakit biokimia dan informasi klinis. * Terdapat pula informasi mengenai keadaan medis yang menjadi prevalensi, mencakup hiperkolesterolemia, obesitas, dan diabetes melitus. * Memberi …
What is Jesuit art?1 A person could answer: objects made by and forJesuits; the decoration of Jesuit churches; or simply the physical remnants of the Society of Jesus, from the confirmation of the order by Pope Paul iii (1468–1549, r.1534–49) on September 27, 1540 to its suppression by Pope Clement xiv (1705–74, r.1769–74) on July 21, 1773. None of these definitions would be wrong, but …
Dalam proses memasukkan suhu, kami menyinggung konsep perpindahan panas yang intuitif.Pada tahap ini, cukup dikatakan bahwa jika dua benda pada suhu yang berbeda dibawa kedalam "kontak termal", proses yang dikenal sebagai konduksi panas dapat terjadi yang memungkinkan energi untuk ditransfer antar benda meskipun benda bertukar tidak peduli dan tidak melakukan apapun pekerjaan mekanis satu sama …