Whatever else people do when they come together—whether they play, fight, make love, or make automobiles—they talk. We live in a world of language. We talk to our friends, our associates, our wives and husbands, our lovers, our teachers, our parents, our rivals, and even our enemies. We talk face-to-face and over all manner of electronic media, and everyone responds with more talk. Hardly a…
Modeling in 3-D is the process of creating a mathematical representation of an object's surfaces. The resulting model is displayed on your screen as a two-dimensional image. Rhino provides tools for creating, displaying, and manipulating these surfaces. Toolbars contain graphical icons for initiating commands. Many toolbar icons have a second command that you can access by right-clicking the ic…
There are as many ways of looking at art as there are viewers of art. That huge diversity is one indication that we humans are highly distinctive lot of creative people. It does not mean, however that there are no universal principles of perception and cognition that apply to all of us as we view and appreciate art. This tutorial on art is presented in the spirit of trying to find general princ…
Explanations for the onset of the Cold War must begin with World War II. A conflict that ranks, by any conceivable measure, as the most destructive in human history, World War II brought unparalleled levels of death, devastation, privation, and disorder. ‘The conflagration of 1939–1945 was so wrenching, so total, so profound, that a world was overturned,’ notes historian Thomas G. Paterso…
Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates our lives in a growing number of ways. Relying solely on traditional, technology-driven approaches won't suffice to develop and deploy that technology in a way that truly enhances human experience. A new concept is desperately needed to reach that goal. That concept is Human-Centered AI (HCAI). With 29 captivating chapters, this book delves deep into the r…
It wasn’t quite prayer but the more I recited its words the more incantatory power they assumed. “What can I say to you, dar-ling,” I repeated to myself, “When you ask me for help?” It was early on an otherwise ordinary weekend morning twelve or fifteen years ago. The Long Island Rail Road car speeding me out east, not fast enough, grooved a quiet rumble into the d…
Animal research is part of a complex web of relations made up of humans and animals, practices inside and outside the laboratory, formal laws and professional norms, and social imaginaries of the past and future of medicine. Researching Animal Research sets out an innovative approach for understanding and intervening in the social practices that constitute animal research. It proposes the idea …
The history film has played an exceptionally powerful role in shaping our culture’s understanding of the past, an influence that derives not simply from the cinema’s unequaled ability to re-create the past in a sensual, mimetic form, but also from its striking tendency to arouse critical and popular controversy that resonates throughout the public sphere. American films centered on the past…
Since people who work with clay come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests, there are probably as many concepts and views of clay as there are clay mineral species. It is not surprising, therefore, that clay scientists have varied trainings, including geology, mineralogy, chemistry, physics, and biology, and hold different perspectives. The multi-disciplinary nature of clay scienc…