The Details of Thomas Becket’s life and of the first fifty years or so of his cult are so well-known that they hardly bear retelling.1 For the fifteenthcentury monks who acted as custodians of his shrine there was a handy mnemonic for the most significant events of his path to sainthood—the Seven Wonderful Tuesdays—which they duly copied into the instructions written fo…
In this book we share the rich documentary and photographic sources from the early years of the Oenpelli mission. Though it consists mainly of records produced by non-Indigenous missionaries, we consider this book a book of Aboriginal history. Why? The letters, reports and photographs that form its core were produced by missionaries who sought to convert and change Aboriginal peop…
The expansion of the so-called gig economy, where flexible patterns of employment prevail in contrast to permanent jobs, is causing numerous issues. The UK Government’s inquiry into Employment Practices in the Modern Economy is a much-neededinitiative in response to this trend: the number of self-employedworkers in Britain has increased by 1 million between …
The compilation of this recipe book fits nicely with the main object of the Country Women’s Association of Victoria. That object is “to improve conditions by community service as they affect the welfare of women and children”. By growing fruits and veggies in our gardens we can be sure of eating fresh foods with the maximum nutritional values. Who could resist the appeal of a crunchy tur…
See the greatest medical breakthroughs come to life through superb illustrations! From ancient herbal medicine to traditional Chinese medicine, take a visual tour throughout the history of medicine with this comprehensive medical reference book.
When people talk about the ‘abortion question’, what they generally mean is something like this: how should we balance the protection of unborn human life against the rights and interests of a pregnant woman to control her own body? Possibly, they also have in mind a further important (but analytically distinct) issue: how should law (criminal or otherwi…
Who drives transformation in society? How do they do it? In this compelling book, strategy guru Roger L. Martin and Skoll Foundation President and CEO Sally R. Osberg describe how social entrepreneurs target systems that exist in a stable but unjust equilibrium and transform them into entirely new, superior, and sustainable equilibria. All of these leaders--call them disrupters, visionaries,…
For the next twenty-five years, the justifiability of opening the abdo-men to treat ovarian disease would remain contested, causing deep schisms in the profession, through which reputations were lost and careers ruined just as often as fortunes were gained and lives were saved. It was an operation that thrilled and horrified in equal measure with its d…
ohn Cage’s 4'33" remains an echo, a repetition of the space of silence and all silence entails. Performed for the first time by pianist David Tudor in 1954 during a piano recital in Wood-stock, New York, it asks of the performer to sit at the piano, and to “perform” a piece of music. Tudor interpreted the instruc-tions Cage had written and sat at t…
‘The music industry’ is commonly understood as a singular entity that is often portrayed as a place of shared concerns and goals. However, as many observers and academics have pointed out, this singular term is misleading and the very idea of a united place belies the reality which is ridden with tension and full of competing interests and industries (see Sterne, 2014). It is withi…