LIPI Press berkolaborasi dengan Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) Dunia menerbitkan rangkaian buku seri Indonesia Emas Berkelanjutan 2045: Kumpulan Pemikiran Pelajar Indonesia Sedunia. Rangkaian bunga rampai ini terdiri dari 12 buku dengan sejumlah topik yang mendukung Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) untuk mencapai tujuan Indonesia Emas 2045. Buku in…
ased on the words and experiences of the people involved, this book tells the story of the community arts movement in the UK, and, through a series of essays, assesses its influence on present day participatory arts practices. Part I offers the first comprehensive account of the movement, its history, rationale and modes of working in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales; Part II bring…
The first few pages of the Tree Book give you some tips on how to identify trees. Once you are familiar with the identifying features, turn to the identillcation keys and narrow your choices. To help you locate trees in the book, the colour used in the key for grouping trees with sinlilar features is the same as the coloured background in the upper right corner of the second page for each tree …
Buku ini diperuntukkan bagi pembaca umum yang ingin mengetahui dan mempelajari tentang seluk beluk olahraga renang beserta macam-macam gaya dan tekniknya. Di dalam buku ini dibahas tentang pengertian dan sejarah renang, pengenalan air dan teknik dasar renang, macam-macam gaya dan teknik renang, seperti gaya bebas, gaya dada, gaya punggung, gaya kupu-kupu, start, dan pembalikan. Diharapkan mela…
During these first days of his life his home was in the heart of a great windfall where Gray Wolf, his blind mother, had found a safe nest for his babyhood, and to which Kazan, her mate, came only now and then, his eyes gleaming like strange balls of greenish fire in the darkness. It was Kazan's eyes that gave to Baree his first impression of something existing away from his mother's side, …
Cold winter lay deep in the Canadian wilderness. Over it the moon was rising, like a red pulsating ball, lighting up the vast white silence of the night in a shimmering glow. Not a sound broke the stillness of the desolation. It was too late for the life of day, too early for the nocturnal roamings and voices of the creatures of the night. Like the basin of a great amphitheater the frozen …
Secrets of a good DIGESTION How to keep the system trouble-free, medicines that work, recognizing signs of danger, exposing the ucler myths, gall bladder surgery-often unnecessary?
Building sound BONES AND MUSCLES Fatigue-proof ways to stand, walk and lift; Exercisesthat save your back; Speeded-up healing for broken bones; Shoes that help the feet; New treatments for arthritis