etween seven and eight million men and women left Ireland over the course of the nineteenth century.1 For a country whose popula-tion has never been more than eight and a half million, that is a mind-boggling statistic, and one that might easily obscure individual emigrant lives. Historians have therefore tended to tackle Irish emigration in two di…
In hisremarkable study of the Upper Palaeolithic parietal art of Western Europe, The Mind in the Cave, David Lewis-Williams suggests that some imagery present in caves such as Chauvet and Lascaux was inspired by ex-periences of altered states of consciousness.1 Emergence from such altered states can be accompanied by the appearance of afterimages, mental pic-tures that hang suspended in the fie…
Global warming is ushering us into a new mosquito epoch. Ready or not, mos-quitoes are coming faster than before, both indigenous and non-, human-biting and not, disease-carrying and sometimes–disease-carrying. What are we to do with these buzzing creatures, and what has been done with them so far? Usually perceived as a pest or at least as a nuisance, their mere presence often prompts us to …
If you are involved in aviation, you will deal with administrative agency regulations far more frequently than any other area of the law. Indeed, you will probably be confronted with making decisions based on the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) on a daily basis. Those regulations also establish standards of legal behavior by which a judge or jury may later decide whether you and your employ…
Recent theories of society and social change have become caught in a dilemma. A renewed focus on individual agency, on beliefs and values and on cultural processes falls short of any adequate specification of social structural process. Sociological researchers have often made a leap of faith between agency and structure, and between norms and concrete social relations. This book explores a rang…
Vira menghilang! Kabar itu cukup mengejutkan penghuni SMA 299. Tidak ada yang aneh di hari-hari sebelum hilangnya Vira. Dia dikenal sebagai gadis ceria yang sesekali berurusan dengan guru BK karena melanggar peraturan sekolah. Selain itu, tidak ada yang aneh. Kecuali... tentang cerita Vira pagi itu. Vira bilang menerima telepon dari orang misterius. Entah orang iseng mana yang menelpon tengah …
Kemerdekaan yang diraih pada tahun 1945 memberikan harapan yang sangat besar bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Mimpi untuk menjadi penduduk sebuah negara yang berdaulat pun terwujud, terlepas dari cengkeraman penjajah. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan dinamika politik-keamanan yang terjadi di tanah air, baik itu rongrongan konflik internal, gerakan separatisme maupun kembalinya kekuatan asing. Buku…
Kemerdekaan yang diraih pada tahun 1945 memberikan harapan yang sangat besar bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Mimpi untuk menjadi penduduk sebuah negara yang berdaulat pun terwujud, terlepas dari cengkeraman penjajah. Namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan dinamika politik-keamanan yang terjadi di tanah air, baik itu rongrongan konflik internal, gerakan separatisme maupun kembalinya kekuatan asing. Buku…