Watership Down, the 1978 British cel-animated feature produced, directed and written by Martin Rosen, and the bestselling 1972 novel by Richard Adams on which it is based are indeed relatively anomalous. The novel is often considered uncategorizable: an adventure story about rabbits that might be a comfortable bedfellow with the works of Beatrix Potter and other children’…
In early March of 2020, Americans watched with uncertain terror as the “novel coronavirus” pandemic unfolded in the coastal cities of Seattle and Boston as well as around the world. No one in the heartland state of Ohio had been infected—as far as we knew, given the scarcity of tests. One week later, on March 9, Ohio announced its first confirmed cases of the disease we now…
August Strindberg (1849–1912) was an extraordinarily prolific writer whose col-lected works encompass no fewer than 72 volumes of drama, prose and poetry as well as 22 volumes of letters.1 In this extensive literary production, The Occult Diary occupies a unique and central position. Strindberg kept the diary from February 1896, when he moved into the Hotel Orfila in Paris, until the sum…
Imelda Akmal dan Sonny Sandjaya, lewat buku ini, memberikan prinsip-prinsip manata ruang dalam rumah berukuran dari 100m2 tanpa harus membongkar struktur yang ada. Semuanya bertujuan agar rumah mungil yang anda miliki dapat berfungsi secara optimal, berkesan lebih luas, sehingga nyaman untuk dihuni tanpa kehilangan unsur estetikanya.
Whether a Kuhnian change of paradigms in business or simply a new way of performing traditional activities, the gig economy is a latent issue, and its regula-tion is extremely diverse in the Member States of the European Union (EU). Its very terminology is still the object of debate. The beatific initial designation of the ‘sharing economy’ is curren…
Down to Earth Archaeology collects sixteen archaeological papers by Professor William Y. Adams chosen by the author, who added introductory commentary to each. These articles were written at various times during his lengthy and productive academic career for different purposes and for different audiences. Most of those selected had been previously published only in a limited way, either as conf…
Horticulture may be described as the practice of growing plants in a relatively intensive manner. This contrasts with agriculture, which, in most Western European countries, relies on a high level of machinery use over an extensive area of land, consequently involving few people in the production process. The boundary between the two is far from clear, especially when considering large-sca…
Toxicology and Safety of Essential Oils: A Constituent-Based Approach” (Chapter 7). On account of the complexity of these natural products, the toxicological or biochemical testing of an EO will always be the sum of its constituents which either act in a synergistic or in an antagonistic way with one another. Therefore, the chemical characterization of the EO is very important for the underst…
Buku ini berisi panduan tata cara penelaahan dan penilaian naskah buku yang dapat diacu oleh penulis dan penelaah, sebagai bagian utama dari proses penerbitan buku ilmiah di LIPI Press. Secara khusus, buku ini memberikan informasi rinci mengenai ketentuan buku ilmiah yang diterbitkan serta mekanisme penilaian dan penelaahan naskah buku dan merupakan revisi dari edisi tahun 2016 dan merupakan …
Orang mengatakan bahwa Presiden Republik Indonesia terlalu banjak memiliki darah seorang seniman. "Akan tetapi aku bersjukur kepada Jang Maha Pentjipta, karena aku dilahirkan dengan perasaan halus dan darah seni. Kalau tidak demikian, bagaimana aku bisa mendjadi Pemimpin Besar Revolusi, sebagairnana 105 djuta rakjat menjebutku ? Kalau tidak demikian, bagairnana aku bisa memimpin bangsaku untuk …