The ninja were the secret agents and assassins of feudal Japan and they remain a subject of enduring fascination. They first arose during the power struggles of 9th and 10th century Japan - where they catered for an increasing demand for spies, informants and assassins - and were used until the mid-1600s when, due to a campaign to destroy them, disappeared.
Following the experiences of 19-year-old Henry Fleming, a recruit in the American Civil War, the story is about the meaning of courage. One of the most influential American anti-war stories ever written.
The M.S. of this amazing diary of a German U-Boat Commander has fallen into our hands under somewhat unusual and mysterious circumstances, the name of the writer being withheld for reasons which will be readily apparent to all who read his astounding experiences. It is, however, a story so thrilling and sensational that we have no hesitation in offering it as it stands to the public, kept so lo…
In The Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey present a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insight and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and…
Dalam Tujuh Kebiasaan Manusia yang sangat Efektif, menyajikan sebuah pendekatan yang menyeluruh, terpadu, dan berpusat pada prinsip untuk memecahkan masalah pribadi dan profesional. Dengan wawasan yang tajam dan anekdot yang terarah, Covey menyingkapkan sebuh jalan langkah demi langkah untuk hidup dengan keadilan, integritas, kejujuran, dan martabat manusia prinsip-prinsip yang memberi kita ja…