This open access book studies breath and breathing in literature and culture and provides crucial insights into the history of medicine, health and the emotions, the foundations of beliefs concerning body, spirit and world, the connections between breath and creativity and the phenomenology of breath and breathlessness. Contributions span the classical, medieval, early modern, Romantic, Victori…
Technology can be a powerful tool for transforming learning. It can help affirm and advance relationships between educators and students, reinvent our approaches to learning and collaboration, shrink long-standing equity and accessibility gaps, and adapt learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners. Our schools, community colleges, adult learning centers and universities should be inc…
Since the stories told by poets and other early writers represented the major evidence for the events for which the Greeks had no written records, historians could not escape considering the role of myth in history. One approach—represented here by Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ analyses of the Trojan, Persian, and Peloponnesian Wars—was to seek to distinguish where myth left off and histor…
The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes is a complete reference guide, providing a comprehensive view of volcanism on the Earth and on the other planets of the Solar System that have exhibited volcanic activity. It is the first attempt to gather in one place such a vast store of knowledge on volcanic phenomena. The volume addresses all aspects of volcanism, ranging from the generation of magma, its trans…
Pada akhir Zaman Es, banjir yang disebutkan dalam kitab suci memang benar-benar terjadi dan menenggelamkan paparan benua Asia Tenggara untuk selamanya. Hal itulah yang menyebabkan penyebaran populasi dan tumbuh suburnya berbagai budaya Neolitikum di Cina, India, Mesopotamia, Mesir, dan Mediterania timur. Akar permasalahan dari pemekaran besar peradaban di wilayah subur di Timur Dekat Kuno, bera…
The ninja were the secret agents and assassins of feudal Japan and they remain a subject of enduring fascination. They first arose during the power struggles of 9th and 10th century Japan - where they catered for an increasing demand for spies, informants and assassins - and were used until the mid-1600s when, due to a campaign to destroy them, disappeared.
Following the experiences of 19-year-old Henry Fleming, a recruit in the American Civil War, the story is about the meaning of courage. One of the most influential American anti-war stories ever written.