The massive disruptions caused by climate change, the Covid-19 Pandemic, war, and ever-rising inequalities have presented the world with challenges across social and economic life, health and education, policy, politics, and community life. Compassion is a central Buddhist value and practice but is also essential to our survival. Defined as feeling genuine concern about the suffering of others …
This patent landscape report provides an overview of international patent activity for animal genetic resources, in particular those relating to food and agriculture. The empirical analysis of patent activity for animal genetic resources for food and agriculture has received remarkably little attention in the scientific literature. Indeed, in conducting the present research we found no example …
This book is primarily concerned with the history of linguistics, but it is notsimplyaboutthe history of linguistics. For one thing, positions are taken belowon issues which (while they arise in a historical context) are discussed for theirown sake, such as the motivation for assuming a significant level of phoneticrepresentation in linguistics. Further, while the text traces the development of…
The audience for this book is anyone who has experienced a discrepancy between their own individual thinking about ethics—whether in med-icine, nursing, social work, psychology, or other fields—and what they encounter in the academically oriented, comparatively theoretical dis-cussions of ethics as presented in grand rounds, at conferences, and in profes…
This open access book studies breath and breathing in literature and culture and provides crucial insights into the history of medicine, health and the emotions, the foundations of beliefs concerning body, spirit and world, the connections between breath and creativity and the phenomenology of breath and breathlessness. Contributions span the classical, medieval, early modern, Romantic, Victori…
Since the stories told by poets and other early writers represented the major evidence for the events for which the Greeks had no written records, historians could not escape considering the role of myth in history. One approach—represented here by Herodotus’ and Thucydides’ analyses of the Trojan, Persian, and Peloponnesian Wars—was to seek to distinguish where myth left off and histor…
The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes is a complete reference guide, providing a comprehensive view of volcanism on the Earth and on the other planets of the Solar System that have exhibited volcanic activity. It is the first attempt to gather in one place such a vast store of knowledge on volcanic phenomena. The volume addresses all aspects of volcanism, ranging from the generation of magma, its trans…
Pada akhir Zaman Es, banjir yang disebutkan dalam kitab suci memang benar-benar terjadi dan menenggelamkan paparan benua Asia Tenggara untuk selamanya. Hal itulah yang menyebabkan penyebaran populasi dan tumbuh suburnya berbagai budaya Neolitikum di Cina, India, Mesopotamia, Mesir, dan Mediterania timur. Akar permasalahan dari pemekaran besar peradaban di wilayah subur di Timur Dekat Kuno, bera…