Integrating concepts from philosophical, anthropological, and astrobiological disciplines, Cosmos and Culture begins to explore the interdisciplinary questions of cosmic evolution.
Chemistry, it is a word that evokes various, and often dramatic, responses. It is a word that is impossible to define concisely, because the field is so diverse, and its practitioners perform such an incredible variety of jobs. Chemistry mainly deals with situations in which the nature of a substance is changed by altering its composition; entirely new substances are synthesized or the properti…
Solutions to all of the odd-numbered end of chapter exercises are in this manual. This book can be very valuable if you use it properly. The way not to use it is to look at an exercise in the book and then immediately check the solution, often saying to yourself, "thats easy, I can do it". Developing problem solving skills takes practice. Don't look up a solution to a problem until you have tri…
Oral History at a Distance is the first publication to explore both the ideas behind and application of oral history in remote projects. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, working from a distance is now an ongoing and necessary approach in the oral historian’s toolkit. In this volume, the experienced team members of Baylor University’s Institute for Oral History provide a road map for adapting tr…
Over the last two decades, new cell and molecular biology toolshave become available, allowing the exploration of a broader rangeof metazoan regenerative mechanisms and prompting a (re)-expansion of the field of regenerative biology [3, 4]. A unifyingtheory of regeneration is nevertheless still lacking. Why do not allspecies regenerate? Does regeneration have a single or multiple(evolutionary) …
Visit and explore Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania during your trip to the Baltic States. From top restaurants, bars, and clubs to standout scenic sites and walks, our insider tips are sure to make your trip outstanding. Whether you're looking for unique and interesting shops and markets, or seeking the best venues for music and nightlife, we have entertainment and hotel recommendations for ever…
It is a basic premise of the Wind and Beyond series that nothing about the historical development of aircraft has ever been linear. On the way to aeronautical “progress”—however one chooses to define the term—there has always been, and always will be, countless twists and turns. And in the end, the entire story could have turned out differently—and still may. It is hoped that not only…
The first two volumes in the Wind and Beyond series and the succeeding four now in preparation all cover the impact of aerodynamic development on the evolution of the airplane in America. As the six-volume series will ultimately demonstrate, just as the airplane is a defining technology of the twentieth century, aerodynamics has been the defining element of the airplane.The forthcoming volumes …
The airplane ranks as one of history’s most ingenious and phenomenal inventions. It has surely been one of the most world-changing. How ideas about aerodynamics first came together and how the science and technology evolved to forge the airplane into the revolutionary machine that it became is the epic story told in this multivolume work, The Wind and Beyond: A Documentary Journey into the Hi…
The demographic make-up of populations at the time of disaster determines whois impacted and the extent of impacts on residents and others. Improving technolo-gies, improved warning systems, investments in disaster mitigating infrastructureand improving community preparedness and response in the face of disasters areexamples of attempts to reduce disaster impacts. While a range of studies havel…