Solutions to all of the odd-numbered end of chapter exercises are in this manual. This book can be very valuable if you use it properly. The way not to use it is to look at an exercise in the book and then immediately check the solution, often saying to yourself, "thats easy, I can do it". Developing problem solving skills takes practice. Don't look up a solution to a problem until you have tri…
Oral History at a Distance is the first publication to explore both the ideas behind and application of oral history in remote projects. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, working from a distance is now an ongoing and necessary approach in the oral historian’s toolkit. In this volume, the experienced team members of Baylor University’s Institute for Oral History provide a road map for adapting tr…
Albers advanced the idea that colour is continually deceptive, and that the exact same colour can evoke innumerable responses depending on how it is seen against other colours. He argued against ‘mechanically applying or merely implying laws and rules of colour harmony’, because of the subjective nature of perception – it is almost impossible to see a colour by itself and not interacting …
It is hard to believe that it has been 14 years since the first edition of Step-Up to Medicine was published. Now in its fifth edition, the success of this book has always been linked to its in-depth, yet concise coverage of every medical topic that a student will encounter during the clinical years of medical school and corresponding NBME shelf examinations. This fifth edition of Step-Up to Me…
There isn’t one facet of your mental, emotional, or physical performance that’s not affected by the quality of your sleep. The big challenge is that in our fast-paced world today, millions of people are chronically sleep deprived and suffering the deleterious effects of getting low quality sleep. The consequences of sleep deprivation aren’t pretty either. Try immune system failure, diabet…
In its broadest sense, geology is the study of Earth — its interior and its exterior surface, the rocks and other materials that are around us, the processes that have resulted in the formation of those materials, the water that flows over the surface and lies underground, the changes that have taken place over the vastness of geological time, and the changes that we can anticipate will take …
I begin with the proviso that, when discussing “evolution” in this book,I am, unless otherwise stated, referring toDarwin’s theory of evolution bynatural selection. This will be defined more formally in §1.5.1. As will bediscussed in §1.8, other theories of evolution have been developed, but thesewill not figure extensively here. At first thought, evolution might seem tobear little rela…
This open access edited collection contributes a new dimension to the study of mental health and psychiatry in the twentieth century. It takes the present literature beyond the ‘asylum and after’ paradigm to explore the multitude of spaces that have been permeated by concerns about mental well-being and illness. The chapters in this volume consciously attempt to break down institutional wal…
Since the initial writing of NASA/SP-6105 in 1995 and the following revision (Rev 1) in 2007, systems engineering as a discipline at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has undergone rapid and continued evolution. Changes include using Model-Based Systems Engineering to improve development and delivery of products, and accommodating updates to NASA Procedural Requirements (…
Music is a mobile art. When people move to faraway places, whether by choice or by force, they bring their music along. Music creates a meaningful point of contact for individuals and for groups; it can encourage curiosity and foster understanding; and it can preserve a sense of identity and comfort in an unfamiliar or hostile environment. As music crosses cultural, linguistic, and political bo…