Equality in the city is an aspiration. Cities have never been equal, equitable or fair. Now, optimum efficiency is celebrated as progress, and reconfigurations of urban spaces are focused on the clean lines of punctual service delivery. Smart cites are controlled cities, where data is the fuel that pumps through the heart. The common denominator in smart city rhetoric is the assumption that org…
The word manage, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is derivative of the Latin manus, or hand and emerges from the Italian maneggiare, which refers to the handling or training of horses. Its use has since been expanded to represent a broader concern for the proper handling of things or people, particularly with regard to a company or organization. This is true across multiple levels of…
Humans have a long history of using fire and it is difficult to separate humaninfluence from the natural occurrence of fire on the landscape (Pyne1997). Forcenturies, Native Americans used fire as a tool for multiple purposes, includingagriculture, managing wildlife habitat and hunting grounds, and cultural practices.As a result of lightning fires and Native American burning, as well as agricul…
Almost anything can cause ‘disease’ if the conditions are right. For example, water is essential for life but if taken in extreme excess or given intravenously, particularly in a patient with kidney failure, it can cause problems. In this situation, the body is unable to respond adequately so homeostasis is not maintained and a ‘disease state’ occurs.What may be harmless to one person m…
Let’s enter a world unimaginable even a few decades ago, one like no other in human history. It’s a two-dimensional world of only sight and sound, offering instant information, connected identity, and the opportunity for here-and-now experiences so vivid and mesmerizing that they can outcompete the dreary reality around us. It’s a world teeming with so many facts and opinions that there w…
Little indeed is known of the origin of English Literature, though it is reasonable to assume that verse of an extemporary kind was composed long before the period of the earliest written records and that we can be certain that poetry made its appearance long before the first prose was written down. It is important from the outset to remember that the extant remains of Old English Literature ha…
Incorporates etymology, history, art, drawing, and reflective writing to support medical students in the integration of the science and humanity of anatomy. A comprehensive and holistic understanding of human anatomy is foundational to the care of patients. The Reflector is an innovative and interdisciplinary approach to the learning of human anatomy; it incorporates etymology, history, art, dr…
One day, according to the Ancient Greek author Xenophon, the hero Hercules “went out to a quiet place and sat, pondering”. This book explores what happened here and how and why it can resonate with autistic young people. The book presents a set of ten lessons, each dealing with an aspect of what happened when Hercules entered the quiet place, met two women (or goddesses, or personifications…
The authors utilise evidence from the only major empirical study to explore the skills required and the challenges facing contemporary makers in an increasingly crowded marketplace. Drawing upon 180 interviews with peak organisations, established and emerging makers, and four years of fieldwork across Australia, this book offers a unique insight into the motivations informing those who seek to …
Few visitors to art museums walk in expecting to find thirtyplus middle school students acting as their own docents, leading their peers through discussions of what they see and wonder about in works of art from abstract expressionism to wood turn-ings, to sculptures by Rodin. But for close to ten years, we led seventh and eighth grade students through patterned closeviewing and dialogical …