Roughly half a million people hunt deer each year in Minnesota and countless others enjoy seeing deer. Deer hunting generates nearly $500 million annually in total economic activity to the state, and the habitats that support deer sustain Minnesota’s $14 billion dollar a year outdoor recreation economy; however, because of their abundance, geographic range extent and size, deer can also have …
A small house is an intentional community of 10, 12 or 14 residents and a staff of highly trained workers who live and work in a well-designed environment organized and operated around the guiding principles of autonomy and dignity. When successfully implemented, the Small House (SH) Model provides exceptional rehabilitative and hospice care and chronic disease management, with sufficient staff…
Peppers were important to the earliest inhabitants of the western hemisphere as much as 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Plant remnants have been found in caves in the region of origin that date back to 7,000 B.C. The Incas, Aztec and Mayans all used pepper extensively and held the plant in high regard. Many of the early uses of pepper centered around medicinal purposes. Pepper has been credited wit…
Few building materials possess the environmental benefits of wood. It is not only our most widely used building material but also one with characteristics that make it suitable for a wide range of applications. As described in the many chapters of this handbook, efficient, durable, and useful wood products produced from trees can range from a minimally processed log at a log-home building site …
An organization consists mainly of four functional subsystems, viz. marketing, production, finance and human resource management. The marketing function of an organization aims to promote its products among customers which help it to obtain sales orders. This, in turn, is communicated to the production subsystem which is concerned with the management of physical resources for production of an i…
There have been several important developments in the evidence base on children’s well-being and mental health since our 2021 report was released. The NHS Digital second follow-up study on the Mental Health of Children and Young People in England and the third Department for Education (DfE) State of the Nation report on the well-being of children and young people in England have been publishe…
The view of the fundamental nature of colour embodied in the CIE definitions quoted above may be said to have three elements. First, qualities of colour such as hue, lightness and chroma are attributes of visual perception. Second, we must make a distinction between colour perceptions and the properties of lights and objects that we see as their colour. Third, the property of a light or an obje…
All of these different food groups have great health benefits on their own. Protein is a great source of energy, is satiating, and helps to build and rebuild muscles. Grains are the main source of fuel for our body and brain. Vegetables and fruits are full of fiber and important vitamins and minerals. When each component is combined together in a meal, the nutrition benefits increase even more.…
The yield of a corn plant depends on the genetic potential of a given hybrid, in addition to a number of environmental conditions and in-season management. Although there is little a corn grower can do about mother nature and the genetics of a plant (other than selecting the hybrid best adapted to a given location, and properly supplementing the site’s inherent fertility and availability of …
Food drying is one of the oldest methods of preserving food for later use. It can either be an alternative to canning or freezing, or compliment these methods. Drying foods is simple, safe and easy to learn. With modern food dehydrators, fruit leathers, banana chips and beef jerky can all be dried year round at home.