This open access book identifies various forms of heritage destruction and analyses their causes. It proposes strategies for avoiding and solving conflicts, based on integrating heritage into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It reflects on the identity-building role of heritage, on multidimensional conflicts and the destruction of heritage, and considers conflict-solving strategies …
A multi-perspective and knowledge-oriented examination of such influ-encing variables and parameters as globalization and migration; digitization and inclusion; phenomena of media democracy; increasingly non-national citizens or those with multiple identities; the changed, mediatized social-ization of children and young people; unequal distribution of power and re-sources betwe…
Scientists are nowadays faced with a few important discontinuities with the past:(a) an exponentially growing rate of technological innovation, (b) the ever-increasing availability of multimodal data, (c) an increasing disciplinary specializa-tion, involving the danger of being blind to interdisciplinarity, and (d) a pressingdemand for problem-oriented interdisciplinarity. 19th century medical …
This book presents an argument for the importance of circulation in the study of museum collections, past and present. Bringing together international researchers from a wide variety of disciplines (including the history of science, museum anthropology, archaeology, geography and postcolonial history) to consider the mobility of collections, we aim to provi…