At a first conference in Frankfurt, in 2016, we met to discuss Les usages de la temporalité dans les sciences sociales.9 Then, our focus was on the disciplines and their particular ways of structuring and shaping the past. We asked since when certain disciplines had begun to use specific periodisation schemes, and whether these schemes, and with them the introduction of temporality as a key co…
This is the longest of any discussion of the subject. The leading militarytheorists always have known that an entire war or single military opera?tions do not take place in sandboxes, but in the field of battle. Since theNapoleonic Wars, the social conditions of war, Clausewitz called it will,have repeatedly being discussed, taking into account the influence of natu?ral factors on warfare, terr…
This equation suggests that if relationships 1 and 2 are opposedin type, then relationships 3 and 4 will be similarly opposed.A similarity in type between 1 and 2, or 3 and 4, though allowedby the formula, is taken to be a very rare occurrence. IndeedL6vi -Strauss suggests that this latter type of structure couldwell be expected to break down or at lea…
When the term ?big data” first came on the scene, bestselling author Tom Davenport (Competing on Analytics, Analytics at Work) thought it was just another example of technology hype. But his research in the years that followed changed his mind. Now, in clear, conversational language, Davenport explains what big data means?and why everyone in business needs to know about it. Big Data at Work …
Reissued with a new introduction by the author, The Paraguayan War is an engrossing and comprehensive account of the origins and early campaigns of the deadliest and most extensive interstate war ever fought in Latin America. One of the first significant investigations of the Paraguayan War available in English, it investigates the complexities of South American nationalism, military developmen…
he Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians encourages young theologians to reflect on African women’s liberation in a way that is consistent with the cultures, narratives and histories of Africa. This book, initiated by the Circle, is the culmination of research conducted by women and men with the aim to present new readings on women, Earth and theology. Creation and Earth take…
This collection of articles includes "How the Best of the Best Get Better and Better," by Graham Jones; "Crucibles of Leadership," by Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas; "Building Resilience," by Martin E.P. Seligman; "Cognitive Fitness," by Roderick Gilkey and Clint Kilts; "The Making of a Corporate Athlete," by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz; "Stress Can Be a Good Thing If You Know How to Use…
Machine learning and data analytics are powering a wave of groundbreaking technologies. Is your company ready? We've combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you understand how these technologies work together, how to adopt them, and why your strategy can't ignore them. In this book, you'll learn how: data science, driven by …
How online affinity networks expand learning and opportunity for young people Boyband One Direction fanfiction writers, gamers who solve math problems together, Harry Potter fans who knit for a cause. Across subcultures and geographies, young fans have found each other and formed community online, learning from one another along the way. From these and other in-depth case studies of online affi…
Lebih dari empat abad tembakau masuk ke Jawa dan tradisi merokok kretek sudah menjadi bagian budaya masyarakat Indonesia (akulturasi) sedemikian lama, yang tidak hanya tinggal di Jawa. Kini, rokok dan kebiasaan merokok mulai mendapat “hujatan” keras dari berbagai pihak. Utamanya karena, konon, merokok dianggap sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan si pelaku (perokok aktif), dan orang-orang di sek…