"Oh, I hope it doesn't explode. We've had so much trouble with the airship, I trust nothing goes wrong now." "Well, turn, on the gas, Mr. Sharp," advised Tom Swift. "I'll watch the pressure gauge, and, if it goes too high, I'll warn you, and you can shut it off." The man nodded, and, with a small wrench in his hand, went to one end of the tank. The youth, looking anxiously at him, turned …
"Let him keep out of my way," retorted Andy savagely. The youth on the wheel, with a sudden spurt of speed, tried to cross the highway. He did manage to do it, but by such a narrow margin that in very terror Andy Foger shut off the power, jammed down the brakes and steered to one side. So suddenly was he obliged to swerve over that the ponderous machine skidded and went into the ditch at …