Black Women’s Stories of Everyday Racism puts literary narrative theory to work on an urgent real-world problem. The book calls attention to African American women’s everyday experiences with systemic racism and demonstrates how four types of narrative theory can help generate strategies to explain and dismantle that racism. This volume presents fifteen stories told by eight midwestern Afri…
In this second edition of A Dictionary of Diplomacy we have added a considerable number of entries, excluded some which no longer seemed significant, reworked others in the light of further reflection, and corrected a few errors. We would like to thank all of those who offered criticisms of the first edition and suggested new entries for inclusion in this one, notably Lorna Lloyd (who also gav…
hat we might loosely call the indigenous “religious arts” of the late prehistoric Greater Antilles – skillfully crafted, portable artifacts used in ritual practice – exist in a variety of genres in a variety of media. Some of these genres have attracted consid-erable analytical attention by specialists: dujos (ceremonial stools), cohoba stands (for receiving a hallucinogeni…
This manuscript encompasses our published and unpublished topological results in neuroscience. Topology, the mathematical branch that assesses objects and their properties preserved through deformations, stretching and twisting, allows the investigation of the most general brain features.
Absolute costadvantagescanplacecompetitors ata cost disadvantage, even if the scale of operations is similar for both firms. Such cost advantages can arise from an advanced position along the learning curve, where average costs decline as cumulative output rises over time. This differs from economies of scale, which involves the relationship between average costs and the output level per period…
Trying to recover here, for recognition, the germ of my idea, I see that it must have consisted not at all in any conceit of a "plot", nefarious name, in any flash, upon the fancy, of a set of relations, or in any one of those situations that, by a logic of their own, immediately fall, for the fabulist, into movement into a march or a rush, a patter of quick steps; but altogether in the sense o…
On 3 October 1944 American forces in the Pacific Ocean Areas received a directive to seize positions in the Ryukyu Islands (Nansei Shoto). Okinawa is the most important island of the Ryukyu Group, the threshold of the four main islands of Japan. The decision to invade the Ryukyus signalized the readiness of the United States to penetrate the inner ring of Japanese defenses. For the enemy, fail…
Despite continued advances in feline health care, behavior problems are still the most common cause of euthanasia in pet cats. Behavior problems, including normal cat behavior that clients consider unacceptable, cause decreased quality of life for cats and their owners. Behavior problems often lead to family stress, inappropriate punishment of pets, destruction of the bond between people and th…