Wandering religious poets – that is to say, poets for whom wande-ring is a way of life and whose poetry deals with religious themes – can be found in a variety of ancient and modern cultures. In India, Tibet, and Japan the ascetic or saint who travels from place to place has been the subject of both veneration and fear for hund-reds, or even thousands, of years, as is evident i…
In recent years, the Dallas Museum of Art has expanded its collection of South Asian art from a small number of Indian temple sculptures to nearly 500 works, including Indian Hindu and Buddhist sculptures, Himalayan Buddhist bronze sculptures and ritual objects, artwork from Southeast Asia, and decorative arts from India’s Mughal period. Artworks in the collection have origins from the former…
Learn the unbelievable true history of the great warrior tribes of Mexico. More than thirteen centuries of incredible spellbinding history are detailed in this intriguing study of the rulers and warriors of Mexico. Dozens of these charismatic leaders of nations and armies are brought to life by the deep research and entertaining storytelling of Peter Tsouras. Tsouras introduces the reader…
Presents the latest archaeological and historical research on all aspects of Maya society, from its earliest beginnings to the Spanish Conquest in the 16th century.
Already in 1920, in a report to the UK Minister of Health, the concept of team-based care was con-ceived [1]. Now, PubMed shows no less than 61,496 hits when one searches for “multidisci-plinary.” This short chapter is certainly not a plea to approach each and every medical problem by a team of specialists, but in cross-disciplinary case-load, today interdisciplinary care …
In Trauma and Memory, bestselling author Dr. Peter Levine (creator of the Somatic Experiencing approach) tackles one of the most difficult and controversial questions of PTSD/trauma therapy: Can we trust our memories? While some argue that traumatic memories are unreliable and not useful, others insist that we absolutely must rely on memory to make sense of past experience. Building on his 45 y…
Presents the life and work of the English playwright William Shakespeare and provides information about the theater of sixteenth-century London.
The definitive book on Warren Buffett's views on everything from investing to management, this is the classic curated collection of his famous shareholder letters, masterfully arranged according to topic by long-time Buffett expert, Lawrence Cunningham.
The chapter will describe the studies which the book project has finallyfeatured and how the analysis and thesis forming part of the book havebeen arranged. The chapter will describe and show how the thoroughstudy of the subject –High Speed Product Development Processes andModels Based on Networks (NB HS PD)– together with the explo-rative analysis of the product development system of gener…
“A delightful scientific memoir combined with a memorable introduction to physics” from the legendary MIT lecturer and surprise YouTube celebrity (Kirkus Reviews). For more than thirty years as a renowned professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Walter Lewin’s lectures made physics not only accessible but fun, whether putting his head in the path of a wrecking ball, supe…