E-book Transitioning to Clean Water and Sanitation
Five years after 2015, the world entered the decade before 2030. The new shockwith the COVID-19 crisis will make the challenges to achieve the goals even harderfor all the systems, notably for the water, sanitation and health systems. COVID-19further emphasized that it is essential to ensure clean water, improved sanitationand proper hygiene conditions for better protection of health in all parts of the world(Armitage and Nellums 2020). This understanding and awakened awareness couldlead to a better political goodwill to invest more in this sector.Following the 2021 report of the World Health Organization (WHO) and theUnited Nations’ Children and Women Fund (UNICEF) Joint Monitoring Program(JMP) on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, in 2020, 2 billion people lacked safelymanaged services (WHO and UNICEF 2021). This includes 1.2 billion people withbasic services, 282 million with limited services, 367 million using unimprovedsources, and 122 million drinking surface water. At current rates of progress, theworld will only reach 81% coverage for safe drinking water by 2030, leaving 1.6 billionpeople without safely managed services.
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