E-book Nineteenth-Century China : Five Imperialist Perspectives
The importance of opening a Second Port in China, as connectedwith the Company1 s interests, has escaped the attention of few Personswho have given the least consideration to our connections with that coun-try. Unfortunately, however, there exists so much diversity of opinionas to which Port would be the most favorable that we are involved nearlyin the same doubt and perplexity as if nothing had been written upon thesubject. Some have fixed on Amoy, others on Ning-po, some on Shang-hay-hien in Kiang-nan, some on Chusan, and Formosa, and some evenon Cochin-china. It is to be regretted that none of the advocates for thosePorts have stated their reasons of preference more at large, nor is iteasy to perceive upon what principles they are grounded. If they be triedby the first great rule in Commerce, viz., to choose the Point where weare best enabled to buy the cheapest and sell the dearest, none will ap-pear to have much weight.
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