E-book Peace and Conflict Analysis : Guidance for ILO’s programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
This document provides guidance for designing ILO initiatives in countries affected by fragility and conflict. These include countries or regions subject to tensions or at risk of conflict or violent unrest, or where criminal violence threatens people’s security on a significant scale. It outlines how to use a peace and conflict analysis (PCA) to ensure that programmes and projects are conflict-sensitive and contribute purposefully to peace. It is intended for ILO country office managers and staff or consultants commissioning or carrying out PCAs and designing or adapting programmes in fragile contexts, the ILO’s constituents and partners, and ILO colleagues providing support to country teams. This is important because initiatives based on a good understanding of peace and conflict dynamics are more
likely to achieve their decent work and employment goals and contribute to peacebuilding. On the other hand, programming that is not well informed will find it hard to make a concrete contribution to either peace or decent work and is likely to fail.
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