E-book An Imaginary Trio : King Solomon, Jesus, and Aristotle
Twostatues stand on either sideofthe southtransept portal of the StrasbourgCathedral, one personifying the Church in the figure of the triumphantEcclesia,the otherrepresentingJudaism as the humiliatedSynagoga.Between the two sitsKing Solomon on his throne, the sword of“Solomon’sjudgment”restingonhisknee²;above him,Jesus holds an orb,symbolizing his cosmic statusasthe arbit-er on the dayofthe LastJudgment.³This is apparentlythe onlywork of artplaced in the public sphere thatbringsSolomon andJesustogether.⁴It presentsthe Christian side of whatIwill call the“encounter”or“correspondence”be-tween these twofigures,who are linked byadiversity of connections and con-texts.⁵Their“correspondence”is, of course, an imaginary one. Even if we acceptthe idea that Solomon andJesus, and not merelyAristotle, were, in fact,histor-ical figures—or at least that their biographies containahistorical core—that corehas over time givenbirth toavast assortment ofmyths and legendary traditions,and it is within thesemyths and legends that the correspondence takes form.
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