E-book Animal Rationality : Later Medieval Theories 1250-1350
According to a long-standing philosophical tradition, we humans are ratio-nal animals. This means that we are endowed with certain cognitive powers, namely, intellect and reason, that enable us to engage in various cognitive operations, such as concept formation, judging, or reasoning. It is these opera-tions that shape the way in which we perceive and interact with the world. We conceptualise the brown furry thing we see as a dog, we judge that the dog is hungry when it desperately stares at the feeding bowl, and we reason that we should feed it if we want its hunger to disappear. To some extent, these cogni-tive operations even put us in a position to build our own worlds like, for in-stance, the world of logic or the world of science. In these worlds, dogs are not simply our pets or companions but they become the objects of our research. We might study their biology, physiology, and psychology and perhaps find out that dogs are just as smart and intelligent beings as we are. This finding would definitely change the way in which we treat dogs. We would begin to give them all the rights we grant to human beings and dog lead producers might finally become redundant.
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