E-book A Philosophy of Cover Songs
Cover songs are a familiar feature of contemporary popular music. Musi-cians describe their own performances ascovers, and audiences use the cat-egory to organize their listening and appreciation. However, philosophershave not had much to say about them.A common philosophical approach is to consider historical positions—for example, asking what Plato or Kant said on a topic. That makes no head-way here, because Plato and Kant had nothing to say about cover songs.How could they? A cover is a version of a song that was first recorded bysomeone else, so covers require the technology to record and play back mu-sic. If Plato or Kant wanted to listen to a song again, they had to find per-formers to play it again.Nevertheless, philosophy provides a valuable toolbox for thinking aboutcovers, and the philosophy of cover songs illustrates some general pointsabout philosophical method. Why is it that people have been announc-ing the death of covers for as long as there have been covers, while musi-cians keep making them? To answer that, we need to introduce distinctions.There are different kinds of covers.
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