E-book Biohacking, Bodies and Do-It-Yourself : The Cultural Politics of Hacking Life Itself
This plot, however, is not the only way in which DIY biology and the contexts of itsformation enter the narrative: genetic testing for disease and heritage and its reper-cussions – even a secret DNA test without the person’s knowledge or consent – forman important part of some of the storylines, while the Opioid Crisis, high drug pricesand a fight against ‘Big Pharma,’ as well as differences in access to healthcare are dealtwith as political issues.2This cultural representation demonstrates how ubiquitous andcontested practices of DIY biology and medicine have become. But more than merelyinserting them into the narrative,DesignatedSurvivoralso discusses some of their draw-backs and limitations: the repercussions of access for all, potential abuses of technolo-gies,differential distribution of resources,slippery slopes into racism and eugenics,theneed for regulation, the power of (pharmaceutical) companies and the real-life experi-ences of many Americans. It demonstrates that some of these practices have becomemundane and expected – genetic testing for example – while others are new and dan-gerous – the hacking of and tinkering with DNA. The series lets us know: Biohacking,in different guises, is omnipresent in American culture and society.
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