E-book Fashion Week Report Spring Summer 2021
Choosing this quote from Mary Shelley to open this Fashion Week report is no accident. It reflects the state of mind in which this Fashion Month was announced and how we approached it. Like a sort of "reset" button for an industry hit hard by an unprecedented pandemic that we no longer need to name ... However, it seems that, despite the notable absence of big names in fashion, who for various reasons have chosen not to appear on the shows calendar, this fashion month does not seem so different from previous seasons. During our watch we were, as in all seasons, surprised, excited, amazed, amused and sometimes also disillusioned. From there to saying that nothing has really changed, there is only one step. Yet this season was different in its approach, perhaps more original, more creative, more raw too. Some designers have deployed new creative means to convey their ideas and give their vision of fashion. Whether they have resorted to puppets, screens or TikTok the essential to remember seems the ever-renewed ability to maintain one's essentials while seeking novelty.
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