E-book Vertical Green 2.0 – The Good, the Bad and the Science
This book presents the results of the international, interdisciplinaryresearch project ‘Urban Vertical Green 2.0’. It was part of the Sustain-able Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI)/ Food-Water-Energy Nexus,a call established by the Belmont Forum and the Joint ProgrammingInitiative (JPI) Urban Europe. The aim of the call was to develop op-tions for a sustainable urbanization. In the project, vertical greenerysystems (VGS) as part of urban green infrastructure and as a nature-based solution, have been investigated and further developed by sci-entists and practitioners from the Technische Universität (TU) Berlin,the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna,Green4Cities GmbH (G4C) Vienna, the Urban Planning Institute of theRepublic of Slovenia (UIRS), and the National Taiwan University (NTU).We address stakeholders interested in the implementation of VGSfrom an interdisciplinary perspective. We present our project findingsranging from the current perspective of stakeholders, VGS design andmaintenance, potentials for optimizing the food-water-energy nexus togovernance, planning and financing issues.
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