E-book Water and Earthquakes
Besides being a matter of academic interest, the study of earthquake-inducedhydrologic changes also has important implications for water resources, hydro-carbon exploration and engineered systems. For example, groundwater level changesfollowing earthquakes can affect water supplies (Chen and Wang2009). The aban-donment of Crete during the Late Minoan period has been attributed by some to adepletion of groundwater caused by earthquake (Gorokhovich2005). In more recenttimes, it is sometimes necessary to evaluate the causative role of an earthquake ininsurance claims for loss of water supply (Roeloffs1998). Furthermore, earthquake-induced increase in crustal permeability (e.g., Rojstaczer et al.1995; Roeloffs1998;Brodsky et al.2003; Wang et al.2004; Elkhoury et al.2006; Wang and Chia2008;Zhang et al.2019a,b) has important implications on hydrocarbon migration andrecovery on the one hand, and contaminant transport on the other. Forensic earth-quake hydrology was also applied to evaluate whether an earthquake may have playedcausativeroleinthe2006muderuptionneartheIndonesiancityofSidoarjo,ineasternJava, that led to massive destruction of property and evacuation of people (Tingayet al.2018). Groundwater level changes following earthquakes may also put someunderground waste repositories at risk (Carrigan et al.1991;O’Brien1992; Wanget al.2018). Earthquake-induced fluid pressure changes can induce liquefaction ofthe ground that causes great damage to engineered structures (e.g., Seed and Lee1966; National Research Council2016), affect hydrocarbon production (Beresnevand Johnson1994), and trigger seismicity (Hill and Prejean2007; Guglielmi et al.2015; Craig et al.2017). Finally, measured changes of the pore pressure in rocksand/or the chemical composition of groundwater are sometimes taken as signaturesof the crustal response to tectonic deformation (e.g., Davis et al.2006)or even as earthquake precursors (e.g., Silver and Wakita 1996).
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