E-book Wildlife Trafficking : The Illicit Trade in Wildlife, Animal Parts, and Derivatives
Wildlife trafficking includes the taking, trading, importing, exporting,processing, possessing, obtaining, and purchasing of wild animals, animalparts, and plants in contravention of international or national law. Wildlifetrafficking threatens the existence of many animal and plant species. Themore endangered a species becomes, the greater is the value of theremaining specimen, thereby increasing the incentive for further illegalactivities. As a result, lucrative illicit markets for wildlife products spanacross the world. The fact that some trade in fauna and flora is regulatedwhile some trade is prohibited provides ample opportunities forcircumventing relevant laws and regulations. The loss of income from thelegal trade in fauna and flora erodes the revenue of governments. When itis linked to organised crime, bribery, coercion, violence, or armed conflict,wildlife trafficking can corrupt national authorities and threaten the ruleof law.
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