E-book Armed Conflict and Environment : From World War II to Contemporary Asymmetric Warfare
This is the longest of any discussion of the subject. The leading militarytheorists always have known that an entire war or single military opera?tions do not take place in sandboxes, but in the field of battle. Since theNapoleonic Wars, the social conditions of war, Clausewitz called it will,have repeatedly being discussed, taking into account the influence of natu?ral factors on warfare, terrain and geostrategic space for warfare in partic?ular. A look at military theory of the 19th and 20th centuries still providesinteresting insights into the role of the human and physical environment inwarfare: Carl von Clausewitz, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Charles EdwardCaldwell, and Mao Zedong, to name but the most important contributors.Today, this approach is often being expanded to ask how the change innatural environments has generated wars – we can consider the role El Ni?no on Mezzo-American civilizations, the Little Ice Age, or climate change. Furthermore, there has long been a manifest complaint about the devasta?tion of war, for example in Europe in relation to the Thirty Years’ War.However, a more systematic approach to the consequences of the war didnot emerge until much later. With a view to the destruction of the humanenvironment, especially since the First World War, in relation to the natu?ral environment, not before the 1950s, initially in the context of the de?bates on the consequences of the nuclear winter. The first historical war inwhich a specific combination of peace research and pacifism combinedwith modern scientific methods was the American War in Indochina andthe resulting damage to human and natural environments deliberatelycaused by the USA. These approaches were then further elaborated in theanalysis of the Second Gulf War. The result is a current state of researchthat has put the actions of the most warlike nation of the second half of the20th century, the USA, at the centre of attention, particularly in the field ofthe destruction of nature.
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