E-book Five Albanian Villages : Guidelines for a Sustainable Tourism Development through the Enhancement of the Cultural Heritage
his hard challenge has been addressed mainly through the transfer of knowledge and competencies in the field of the cultural heritage by members of the A l-banian Diaspora in Italy (university students, young ar-chitects and researchers) to their home country. This is a key element of the research project that allowed the mo-tivational element to be combined with the direct access to scientific literature (mostly in A lbanian) and to gather valuable field data directly from the villagers, as well as to transfer this information to the non-native members of the working group.The research lasted 18 months (from May 1st, 2019 to Ju ly 31st, 2020) and developed through 4 closely interre-lated phases (Fig. 0-1).Thefirst phase – the Methodological Phase – describes the methodological design, the work plan and the oper-ational tools of the research. At this stage, the five case study villages were identified: Bënjë, Kosinë e Leusë, in the Municipality of Përmet, Zvërnec, a coastal village in the municipality of V lorë, and Razëm, a mountain vil-lage at the foot of the A lbanian A lps in the Municipality of Malësi e Madhe2 (F i g . 0 -2).In the following phase – the Analysis Phase – these villages were studied, through field research, from dif-ferent point of views with an approach that starts from the evaluation of the general aspects to the knowledge of the specific features that distinguish them. Such features reveal different angles from which a community can be seen and certain aspects of the cultural heritage that it has developed throughout its history.The Analysis phase nourishes both the Model Phaseand thePiloting Phase of the research. In the former, the collected information is processed and organised inside the Linee Guida per la valorizzazione del patrimonio cul-turale dei piccoli borghi albanesi (Guidelines for the de-velopment of the cultural heritage of smaller Albanian villages) that underpin this book. In the latter, the information is used for designing hypotheses re-lated to three architectural assets in the three mentioned villages of the Municipality of Përmet.Two types of actions imple-ment the goals of the research: (1) Educational Action, and (2) Research Action.TheEducational Action was developed as part of the Analysis Phase of the research; it consist-ed of a Thematic Workshop – Al-bania dei piccoli borghi (Albanian Smaller Villages) – held at the University of Florence’s School of Architecture3 and reserved for A lbanian students enrolled at the University of Florence. A number of students from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Polytechnic University of Tirana and the Faculty of Architecture at “Our Lady of Good Counsel” Catholic University of Tirana were also invited to participate. The Workshop aimed to encourage the exchange and sharing of ideas among stu-dents and their peers who have grown up and/or live in A lbania. The above institutions have established international cooperation agreements with the University of Florence involving the Department of Architecture. In the end, 9 students from the University of Florence and 4 students from University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” enrolled in the Thematic Workshop4. The Thematic Workshop was presented on March 27th, 2019 at the premises of Palaz-zo Vegni in Florence (Fig. 0-3). During the presentation, the A lbanian anthropologist Fatos Dingo gave a lecture entitled: Albanian Identities. The focus of the Thematic Workshop was the cultural heritage of A lbanian villages; more specifically, the architectural survey, through laser scanner and photogrammetry, and the detailed study of three architectural assets located in three villages of Përmet: (1) the Katiu Bridge and the thermal area in the Valley of the Lengarica R iver in Bënjë, (2) the area surrounding the Church of the Dormition of Mary in Kosinë, and (3) the Church of the Dormition of Mary in Leusë.
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