E-book The Plaston Concept : Plastic Deformation in Structural Materials
Higher and higher strengths are nowadays required for structural materials, forreducing the weight of transportation machines like automobiles in order to improvefuelefficiency,realizinghugeconstructionslikeultra-talltowers,andsecuringhumanbeings and society from incidents and disasters like collisions, earthquakes, and soon. However, the ductility and/or toughness of materials generally decreases with anincrease in the strength, as is schematically illustrated in Fig.1.1. The curve showingthe trade-off relationship between strength and ductility/toughness is often calledthe “banana curve” due to the shape shown in Fig.1.1(Demeri2013). Among threemajor industrial materials, ceramics are very strong but generally brittle and scarcelyshow plasticity. Polymers are light and ductile in many cases, but their strength islimited. Only metals can manage both high strength and large plasticity, which isderived from their metallic bonding nature. Even in metallic materials, however, the uctility and toughness deteriorate with increasing strength. We have to overcomethe trade-off relationship between strength and ductility/toughness for realizing theultimate structural materials in future, since high strength materials would also bemanufactured into designed shapes by metalworking processes and must avoid brittleor early fracture in practical use. Recently a number of articles have claimed to findnew metallic materials managing both high strength and good ductility (Zhao et al.2006;Luetal.2009; Copper et al.2011; Liu et al.2013,2018;Wuetal.2014,2015; Wei et al.2014; Kim et al.2015;Lietal.2016;Heetal.2017; Lei et al.2018; Tong et al.2018; Yang et al.2018; Sun et al.2019; Zhang et al.2019, Ma andZhu2017). However, most of the papers have mainly insisted on superior mechan-ical properties found in particular materials with different (and mostly complicated)microstructures, and the discussions on the reason why those materials could realizehigh strength and large ductility have stayed in phenomenological manners. We stilldo not have the guiding principle to manage both high strength and high ductility inadvanced structural materials.The first author of this manuscript has continuously studied bulk nanostructuredmetals (or ultrafine-grained (UFG) metallic materials, in other words) in the lastdecades, and has found their unique mechanical properties, such as the unexpectedyield-drop phenomena universally found in UFG metals and alloys regardless oftheir chemical compositions and crystal structures (Tsuji et al.2002; Tian et al.2018a,2020a,b; Saha et al.2013; Yoshida et al.2017,2019; Terada et al.2008;Zheng et al.2017,2019,2020a; Gao et al.2014a; Bai et al.2021), extra Hall–Petchstrengthening (Gao et al.2014a; Kamikawa et al.2009; Tian et al.2020), “hardeningby annealing and softening by deformation” phenomena (Huang et al.2006), and soon. Bulk nanostructured metals show very high strength compared to conventionallycoarse-grained counterparts, but most of them still have a dilemma of the strength-ductility trade-off (Tsuji et al.2002,2008).
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