E-book The Papua New Guinea Coffee Handbook
In response to the decline in the coffee industry in the late 1980’s and 1990’s the Coffee Research Institute (CRI) developed a number of ‘strategies’ to address the fall-off and compiled The PNG Coffee Handbook with a view to
providing coffee growers and processors with the latest technical information generated by its research activities. The Handbook was produced as a loose leaf booklet to facilitate ease of updating sections as and when new
information became available. Regrettably, no updates were produced during the period from publication in 1994 to the present. The Handbook (1994) noted that “replanting of non-productive coffee trees during the late 80’s and 90’s was slow at best, and in most cases non-existent; this in conjunction with lack of inputs resulted in severely run-down gardens, managed blocks and plantations.” The situation has not improved since then, with gradual deterioration of smallholder gardens and the majority of managed blocks and plantations being abandoned. A 2014 study estimated that some 30% of all coffee has been abandoned and is now beyond the possibility of being rehabilitated. The need for a major replanting programme has never been greater. With the aims of ‘injecting new life’ into agriculture and promoting the sector, the national government initiated and funded the National Agriculture Development Plan (NADP) in late 2006 with an amount of PGK38 million and increased to PGk100 million per year from 2007 onwards. Sadly, due to mismanagement the programme did not have the expected impact and was abandoned after some 5½ years. Government then directed its major investment in agriculture through the World Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development and Government funded Productive Partnerships in
Agriculture Project (PPAP), as a pilot project focussed on coffee and cocoa and confined initially to six provinces. As a result of initial successful implementation, PPAP has now been extended to all coffee and cocoa growing
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