E-book The Blue Compendium : From Knowledge to Action for a Sustainable Ocean Economy
Global food demand is rising, and serious questions remain about whether supply can increase sustainably (FAO 2018). Land-based expansion is possible but may exacerbate cli-mate change and biodiversity loss, and compromise the delivery of other ecosystem services (Olsen 2011; Foley et al. 2005, 2011; Mbow et al. 2019; Amundson et al. 2015). As food from the sea represents only 17% of the current pro-duction of edible meat, we ask how much food we can expect the ocean to sustainably produce by 2050. Here we examine the main food-producing sectors in the ocean—wild fisher-ies, finfish mariculture and bivalve mariculture—to estimate ‘sustainable supply curves’ that account for ecological, eco-nomic, regulatory and technological constraints. We overlay these supply curves with demand scenarios to estimate future seafood production. We find that under our estimated demand shifts and supply scenarios (which account for policy reform and technology improvements), edible food from the sea could increase by 21–44 million tonnes by 2050, a 36–74% increase compared to current yields. This represents 12–25% of the estimated increase in all meat needed to feed 9.8 bil-lion people by 2050. Increases in all three sectors are likely, but are most pronounced for mariculture. Whether these pro-duction potentials are realized sustainably will depend on factors such as policy reforms, technological innovation and the extent of future shifts in demand.Human population growth, rising incomes and preference shifts will considerably increase global demand for nutri-tious food in the coming decades. Malnutrition and hunger still plague many countries (FAO 2018; UNDP 2020), and projections of population and income by 2050 suggest a future need for more than 500 megatonnes (Mt) of meat per year for human consumption (Supplementary Information section 1.1.6). Scaling up the production of land-derived food crops is challenging, because of declining yield rates and competition for scarce land and water resources (Olsen 2011). Land-derived seafood (freshwater aquaculture and inland capture fisheries; we use seafood to denote any aquatic food resource, and food from the sea for marine resources specifically) has an important role in food security and global supply, but its expansion is also constrained. Similar to other land-based production, the expansion of land-based aquacul-ture has resulted in substantial environmental externalities that affect water, soil, biodiversity and climate, and which compromise the ability of the environment to produce food (Foley et al. 2005, 2011; Mbow et al. 2019; Amundson et al. 2015). Despite the importance of terrestrial aquaculture in seafood production (Supplementary Fig. 3), many coun-tries—notably China, the largest inland-aquaculture pro-ducer—have restricted the use of land and public waters for this purpose, which constrains expansion (De Silva and Davy 2010). Although inland capture fisheries are important for food security, their contribution to total global seafood pro-duction is limited (Supplementary Table 1) and expansion is hampered by ecosystem constraints. Thus, to meet future needs (and recognizing that land-based sources of fish and other foods are also part of the solution), we ask whether the sustainable production of food from the sea has an important role in future supply.
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